Obamacare & Crowdfunding Help Wes, 46, Pursue His Authentic Life

Trans Man Pittsburgh

  This is Wes. He is a friend of mine whom I met just a few years ago in Pittsburgh. I mostly know Wes as a parent to his wonderful genderfluid child and co-parent with his ex and their respective partners. I admire his activism, his professional work, and his devotion to Game of Thrones. […]

Art Gallery To Host Health Care Happy Hours for Local Artists

This is an interesting outcome from #ArtisticVisionPgh – Most Wanted Fine Art (MWFA) gallery and the Pennsylvania Health Access Network (PHAN) have teamed up to sponsor a series of happy hours for artists to learn more about the Affordable Care Act and other health insurance opportunities. The first happy hour is set for Thursday, December […]

A Blogger, An Artist and an Advocate Walk Into a Bar

Podcamp Pittsburgh

This weekend, I’ll be doing something rather cool (again) – presenting at Podcamp Pittsburgh 9 along with my friends and collaborators, Nina Sauer of Most Wanted Fine Art  and Erin Gill Ninehouser of the Pennsylvania Health Access Network (PHAN).    The theme of this year’s Podcamp is “Ignite” PodCamp Pittsburgh is a social, new media […]

#ArtisticVisionPgh QnA with Erin Gill Ninehouser of the PA Health Access Network

During the course of our Q&A profiles of the artists and sponsors, some interesting questions arose about vision health and insurance. So I asked Erin Gill Ninehouser from the Pennsylvania Health Access Network (PHAN) to take a stab at some of these issues. Name: Erin Ninehouser Organization Twitter: @pahealthaccess Organization Website: www.pahealthaccess.org What sort of work does PHAN […]

Affordable Care Act Offers Options to Domestic Partners


According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Allegheny County notified employees about the discontinuation of domestic partner benefits via email. Eileen’s partner (a County employee accessing domestic partner benefits) did not receive this notification. I don’t know what the notice said or how it was worded, but I do hope one element was included – information on […]

Feeling Blue

I’ve been blue. It is medical in nature as most things are, but it has been exacerbated by real life situations. And my main coping/medical strategy is to “hang in there” until some med adjustments kick-in. I sleep a lot. I haven’t really been eating and I don’t have much to say. I try watching […]

Has the City of Pittsburgh Lost The Domestic Partner Registry?

What a ridiculous question. How can you lose a registry? So a few days ago, we were informed that we have less than 5 weeks to comply with an “employee dependent verification” audit conducted by a third party contracted through the City (City Council and the Mayor approved of this, unanimously.) These audits are used […]

Obamacare, Supreme Court Decision – What the LGBTQ Community Is Saying

Last week was a historic one with the Supreme Court decision upholding the Constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare. A roundup of what the LGBTQ pundits, bloggers and publications are saying Pam Spaulding has a rundown of wingnut responses to the decision, including the now-infamous declaration that just because the Supreme Court says […]