What is Pennsylvania Media Saying About LGBTQ Issues Now

What impact will the Presidential Executive Order on gender identity have on the chance of Pennsylvania passing statewide nondiscrimination protections via the Fairness Act? Here are some steps LGBTQ+ people can take to prepare for the Trump administration Will Pennsylvania Finally Ban ‘LGBTQ+ Panic’ Defense? Philadelphia advocate for trans community discusses Trump’s executive order on […]

I Still Have To Take Care of Myself Right Now


I’m not fine, of course. But I’m slowly coping with this new but perhaps inevitable reality. All the things people say right, speaking past each other or to themselves. All of those things mean everything because we are alive, we are still saying things, we are still here. Marriage, single, partnered. Here we are. NaBloPoMo. […]

Critical Races for LGBTQ Voters in the Pennsylvania 2024 Election

It is almost election time. I’ve already returned my ballot. But it is still important to remind you about these critical races. *indicates that the candidate participated in our Political Q&A project so you can read that LGBTQ specific information as well as their website. President/Vice President US Senate Congress PA Attorney General PA Auditor […]

Philly Gay News Names This Blogger One of the Most Influential LGBTQ+ Leaders in Pennsylvania

Typically, a post like this would begin ‘I’m honored’ or ‘I’m humbled’ or even ‘So grateful.’ Not meaningless statements, but not always sufficient. You know? Okay, to be fair, ‘Blessed’ would be neither meaningful nor sufficient. This pioneer rejects trite terms. A few weeks ago, I had been named to the list of the 48 […]

But I want you to know, after all these years … honoring my 21st anniversary

The world of queer relationships and queer anniversaries is complicated by the states decades of oppression of our rights to simply create a family with the person we love. For those who came of age after 2015, it may not make much sense. The queer anniversary is a complicated dynamic. We have a lot of […]

Little Pridefests Everywhere in Pennsylvania 2024

Several years ago, I blogged about the evolution of Pride in Pittsburgh (and beyond.) I called it Little Pridefests Everywhere, a community oriented response to the tyranny of corporate Pride. It is a very Pittsburgh thing – a fire hall festival, a church festival in every community. But I was genuinely shocked to see just […]

UPDATED List of Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania Pride Events & More 2024

Now with more than 75 60 events May through October. Pride season is here for 2024. There are so many events across the Commonwealth and in the Tri-State Area that I decided to create a list. It is not fancy. We are not endorsing any of these events. And any missing information is purely an […]

Asking Why Four Young Trans People Have Died by Suicide in Lancaster, PA

Ashtonn Clatterbuck

Remembering Ashton Saddened to report the death of another young person. Ashton Myles Clatterbuck recently died in the early hours of February 27, 2024 at the age of twenty-two. The cause was death by suicide. Ashton was from Lancaster County Soon after, family and friends held a vigil for Ashton on February 29, 2024. Mourners […]

This Year In Pennsylvania, These Openly LGBTQ Candidates Won Office

A list of openly LGBTQ people who won elected office in Pennsylvania in 2023. Each time I create a post like this, I am humbled to think of how much has changed since I began blogging in December 2005. At that point, an openly gay man won office on Wilkinsburg Council in the 90s, but […]

LGBTQ Electoral Victories in Pennsylvania

According to the Victory Fund,  at least 1,065 out LGBTQ people ran for office in the November midterm elections. At least 340 out LGBTQ won their races as of November 9, 2022 with more results yet to come in.  In Pennsylvania Jessica Benham, State Representative in Pennsylvania House District 36 and the first openly queer woman […]