Photos From #DecisionDayPA Pgh Rally

Pennsylvania Kiss

Post by Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents.

UPDATED Decision Day PA: What Happens After The Marriage Equality Ruling(s)

marriage equality PA

Marriage equality has come to Pennsylvania after a decision was handed down today. A stay was not issued, but we encourage you to read this FAQ by the ACLU of Pennsylvania for more information. More details coming after tonight’s Decision Day Rally.   Congratulations to Oregon! From Freedom to Marry: Eighteen states – CA, CT, […]

Should A Volunteer Open Carry A Gun at Art All Night?

Art All Night Pittsburgh

I didn’t go looking for this fight. Honestly, I just wanted to enjoy a Pittsburgh tradition – Art All Night. I had planned to review this event with some gentle mocking of the hipsters and yuppies (oh, so many strollers) and then talk about the interesting art. Instead, I am under siege from gun rights […]

If Marriage Equality Comes to PA, Then What

marriage equality PA

There are six pending marriage equality cases in Pennsylvania right now. Two are in the Federal District Courts Whitewood v. Wolf* Palladino v. Corbett* In State Court Pennsylvania Health Dept. v. Hanes* Ballen v. Corbett* Cucinotta v. Pennsylvania* In re Estate of Burgi-Rios* Whitewood v Wolf is the case with which you are most likely familiar […]

How Tom Michalow Proved He Is An LGBTQ Ally With One Envelope

Tom Michalow

Remember when I was discussing how not to ask a lesbian household for a donation? That discussion was picked up by non-profit fundraisers as part of a larger issue of simply how to address increasingly diverse families in manners that are respectful across multiple cultures. It has been interesting to participate in those discussions, but […]

Unemployment Benefits Cut in Pennsylvania; Where LGBTQ Unemployed Can Turn

gay unemployment

73,000 Pennsylvanians stopped receiving emergency unemployment compensation yesterday due to the expiration of a federal extension launched under the Bush Administration. 73,000 of our neighbors without a job and with no income in a still terrible economy where Fight Club determines which person gets the PT barista job. I don’t really have a lot that’s […]

The Tow Truck Driver Drove a Chariot

Daily Prompt: Sink or Swim Tell us about a time when you were left on your own, to fend for yourself in an overwhelming situation — on the job, at home, at school. What was the outcome? Once upon a time, I drove a group of adults with developmental disabilities to Harrisburg to participate in […]

Lehigh County Commissioner Compares Domestic Partners to Pets

Just when you think … oh who am I kidding? This doesn’t suprise anyone. Speaking on the extension of equal marriage benefits to same-sex couples in the state, Lehigh County Commissioner Tom Creighton made the comments whilst pushing an amendment which would deny equal benefits to same-sex partners of county employees. “The state has a […]

Letter to the Editor: Chick-fil-A Is Where We Took Our Stand

Seriously, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when I read this in the Post-Gazette letters to the editor: The people of this region spoke loud and clear of how they feel about gay marriage when we supported Chick-fil-A and stood in line for hours and wrapped around the building several times. The people […]

Would a Domestic Partnership Interfere with a Civil Marriage?

So I continue to wait for someone to remedy the situation with the City of Pittsburgh, I had an interesting thought. FTR, we are now up to three members of Council, a staffer with the Mayor’s office, the ACLU and the Women’s Law Project all trying to find out what happened to the affidavits. Your […]