Congressman Mark Critz Rejects LGBT Community. Again.

Mark Critz is reputed to be a nice guy. But he’s no liberal, barely a moderate. So in this neck of the woods that usually means women and gays are screwed. Last night, freshman Congressman Huelskamp (R – Kansas) offered an amendment to the Commerce-Justice-Science appropriations legislation.  The purpose? “None of the funds made available under […]

What Pennsylvania’s LGBT Community Needs …

Sorry, this popped into my mind during all of the post-North Carolina election chit chat. It was nice to smile …

Do You Understand What Happened This Week With The Obama Administration and LGBT Equality?

I hope you have been paying attention, but it is tremendously complicated.  From FireDogLake The Obama administration on Wednesday decided not to move forward with an executive order prohibiting workplace discrimination among federal contractors that is a top priority for the LGBT community. “While it is not our usual practice to discuss Executive Orders that […]

Don’t Forget the Aunties …

Today, good friends of ours sent a “Save the Date” for the baptism of their adopted son, EM. EM is six months old and we first met him when he was only 8 days old! We’ve also been proud to know his older brother, JJ almost since he came home at six months. It is […]

The Candy Man Can? Martin Schmotzer’s Non-Apology

So … the post office got back to me.  More on that later. Martin Michael Schmotzer (M&Ms?) probably got wind of the fact that his opponents are passing this blog post around. By that, I don’t mean the other candidates, but the somewhat rabid people in the South Hills who seem to truly detest M&Ms […]

North Carolina is Winnable – And We Think You Need to Support Them

In case you are not aware, North Carolina residents are set to vote on a constitutional amendment that would define marriage and deny marriage equality. It is called Amendment One. This week, progressive bloggers across the nation are shining attention on this battle and encouraging folks to financially support the cause so we can get […]

Jenkintown, PA Passes Anti-Discrimination Ordinance

Jenkintown Borough in Montgomery County (PA – East) has passed an inclusive anti-discrimination ordinance, per the blog. This marks the 25th Pennsylvania Municipality to extend these protections based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. Here is a complete list of the 25 as well as the most significant of those who do […]