Bill Peduto – We Need a Mayor Who Never Forgets What Pittsburgh Can Be

Bill Peduto’s tv commercial is available via YouTube. Five generations of my family worked in the mill right there on the South Side – my great-grandfather died a few blocks away from that spot. Still, my father and his cousins and even my brother worked in the mills through the 70s and 80s and …today. […]

LGBTQ&A: Doug Shields, Ally and Advocate

When I “met” Doug Shields, it was via the telephone – I answered call from unfamiliar number and heard “Susan, this is Douglas. I understand you want to march!”  I was driving home from work so I had to pull over (near the Civic Arena) and scribble notes on a crumpled receipt. His 2008 response […]

See, here’s what the mayor’s office should say

See, here’s what the mayor’s office should say: “You know what? We don’t like Sue Kerr because she’s mean to us, and we don’t like her website and we don’t think it’s useful, and we don’t want our employees reading her website while they’re supposed to be working. So,nyahh.” – Trish Mifflin, 2013.

Meanwhile, at the City of Pittsburgh Computer Information Services Department

(FYI, this is NOT PORN. This is satire. Not the kind they teach at Taylor Allderdice High School, but the kind they teach on British television. If you laugh at ANYTHING in this clip, please sign my petition.)

“Sodom and Gomorrah in Your Face” and Other Stupid Things Haters Say

Letter To The Editor Pittsburgh

We love letters to the editor and Pittsburgh has been unusually prolific of late.   Over at the Post-Gazette website you’ll find this dialogue unfolding, replete with LOTS of comments. Daniel J. Robinson of West Deer goes to bat for the Bible trumping the Constitution. He also seems to have missed a year or so of […]

Don’t Make Me Wear a Rick Santorum Sweater Vest!

You may have noticed that I’m trying to win a scholarship to Netroots Nation? If I am selected, this will cover a significant part of my expenses to travel to this 3 day conference plus the 1 day LGBTQ by-invitation-only preconference. I played the “I used to intern for Rick Santorum” card the other day […]

Letter to the Editor: Gays Fit to Lead

Another neighbor weighs in on the issue of equality in the Boy Scouts of America. My three sons and I have been actively involved in Boy Scouting for over 12 years. My eldest son is an Eagle Scout. Scouting has been an incredible experience for my sons, helping them to develop unparalleled leadership skills, a […]

“Being Gay is Not Okay” More LGBTQ Letters To the Tribune-Review Editor

Things are always hopping at the Trib … lots and lots of letters submitted (and published) around LGBTQ topics.  When last we checked, Rudy Gagliardi of Arnold was defending his stance that homosexuals can change their ways. And he’s not even the worst of the bigots! Five people wrote in to challenge Gagliardi’s point of […]

NaBloPoMo: Energy in #SNOMGPGH

That’s Snow My God Pgh. Today, winter came to Pittsburgh for a weekend. It is cold and snowy. So we planned ahead – tonight’s activities feature eating potato chips and watching Season Two of Downton Abbey on DVDs from Netflix. In bed … seriously, I’m not just saying that. 🙂  So a fun hashtag that […]

Remember Her Name: Ka’Sandra Wade January 12, 2013

Bloggers, podcasters and social media users around the nation have devoted some portion of their Saturday to remember the name of Ka’Sandra Wade who lost her life at the hands of her ex. This is a list of participating blogs.