Went to Podcamp Pittsburgh 11 and Made History

Podcamp Pittsburgh

Ah, Podcamp. Each year, I try to put together a panel on different topics based on my current interest. 2010 – I was on a panel about political blogging organized by Bram Reichbaum of The Pittsburgh Comet 2011 – I was on a panel about using social media to good deeds organized by Chris Whitlatch […]

Talking Social Media At Podcamp With Tara Sherry-Torres

Podcamp Pittsburgh

On Saturday, I had the pleasure of co-presenting at Podcamp Pittsburgh X with Tara Sherry-Torres of Cafe Con Leche. Our conversation focused on how we use social media to engage our communities. It was an interesting conversation with some great questions from the audience.  

Video For Our Podcamp Pittsburgh Panel on Art, Advocacy and Blogging

Podcamp Pittsburgh

See you Sunday at my Podcamp Pittsburgh panel at 2 PM. NEW NEW ART VISION VIMEO with slides/ pics from Brian Cottington on Vimeo.

A Blogger, An Artist and an Advocate Walk Into a Bar

Podcamp Pittsburgh

This weekend, I’ll be doing something rather cool (again) – presenting at Podcamp Pittsburgh 9 along with my friends and collaborators, Nina Sauer of Most Wanted Fine Art  and Erin Gill Ninehouser of the Pennsylvania Health Access Network (PHAN).    The theme of this year’s Podcamp is “Ignite” PodCamp Pittsburgh is a social, new media […]

Social Media Presentation

As you may know, I offer “social media support” to local non-profits, small business and individuals – technically, I’m a consultant, but I consider myself more of a hand-holder/tutor. I’ve done everything from teach someone how to use Twitter to develop social media strategies. So, hey, give me a call if you need someone to […]

Podcamp Pittsburgh Panel: Talking About Fairness & Accuracy

This was a highlight of my fall … a 45 minute discussion with Tony Norman (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette), Chris Potter (Pittsburgh City Paper), Aria Charles (Best Buddies) and Chaz Kellem (Pittsburgh Pirates) about fairness & accuracy in social media. And it was an honor that Jon Delano of KDKA attended and made some excellent points.

Our Session at Podcamp Pittsburgh – Fairness and Accuracy in Language

So … many months ago PG columnist Tony Norman used the term “sexual preference” in an otherwise positive column. When I called him on it, he explained that it was simply a matter of language evolving and that sexual orientation was the newest terminology. After some back and forth, he agreed to take a gander […]

Podcamp Pittsburgh is Around the Corner

Very excited to once again be an individual sponsor of this year’s Podcamp Pittsburgh, verion 6.0. In the guide of the Pittsburgh Tote Bag Project, we’ll be part of a panel with The Pittsburgh Foundation’s newest social media initiative.  To find out what it is, you’ll have to attend or read oneline later.  We are […]