Here’s Why I Publicly Identify Candidates Who Do Not Complete My Political Q&A

Holding candidates accountable

Someone asked me privately recently about my choice to publicly list candidates I’ve approached to complete my Campaign Q&A series, specifically identifying those who have not responded to my request at all. In other words, this is a long post explaining a blog series policy, procedures, and impact so its on the record for anyone […]

Political LGBTQ&A with Gregory O. Yorgey-Girdy, Judge-Elect

Greg Yorgey-Girdy

  As gay people, we are not one to sit around and be quiet. We have a history of being marginalized. In 2020, we had one of the highest voter registrations. It’s queer people getting out and doing it. A few days after Election Day 2021, the Victory Fund released a list of known out  […]


A new report from The Victory Fund and updates from GLAAD reveal that Pennsylvania is leading the nation in terms fo the number of elected LGBTQ officials and current candidates. I’m a little tired so I’m going to share the press release. Note that Pennsylvania has 26 out LGBTQ candidates in the 2021 elections, third […]

Maria Montaño Challenges Social Norms, Political Structures as ‘Best Thirst Trap’ Nominee in Pgh City Paper Best of Pittsburgh Awards

For so long, trans women and our bodies have been sold as objects under capitalism. This has led to our marginalization – and the belief that we are nothing but sexual deviants is directly related to the way we are demonized by so many. Capitalism has deprived us of our humanity, and our own sexual […]

Q&A with Giuseppe Rosselli, Candidate for the Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas

[W]e do not acknowledge poverty and lack of opportunity as a significant  contributing cause worthy of diversion. I believe that poverty and lack of  opportunity are the greatest contributing causes to criminal behavior. Our  diversion programs need to be expanded to include individuals who are affected  by these significant underlying contributing causes. This is the […]

Political Q&A With Candidates Who Don’t Follow Through With the LGBTQIA+ Community

Political Q&A

For several years, I have published a Q&A series with candidates for all sorts of offices. Some people approach me and I try to create an open invitation to candidates who meet the criteria of being an LGBTQ ally running for office in Pennsylvania. Each Q&A is hand-crafted so to speak to dive into issues […]

Seeking Political Candidates to Take Our Political Q&A

Political Q&A

Since 2018, we have published a series of Q&A’s with candidates for all levels of political office – borough councils, school boards, judicial candidates, statewide office, and more. We kicked off our 2021 Primary season via Q&A with Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto earlier this month. And we’ve invited other candidates to participate. Here are the […]

Q&A Election 2020: Nat Yap, Political Activist with the Order of the Phoenix

Nat Yap Pennsylvania Democrat

This is a new limited-Q&A series focusing on Election Day. I’ve approached an array of regional folks to ask them the same seven questions about the election. This election is complicated in ways we never thought possible, but there are paths forward. Listening to what our neighbors are prioritizing and how they are framing the […]

Q&A with Matt Merriman-Preston about Voting by Mail in November’s Election

Earlier this year, I published two Q&A’s about the rapid changes to the Pennsylvania primary voting process, one with Kris Rust and one with Matt Merriman-Preston. In late July, I approached them about updating for the General Election. Then Trump swooped down on the United States Post Office and tried to break it. He literally […]

Candidate for PA State House Emily Kinkead Describes Digital Campaigning During a Pandemic

Emily Kinkead

I asked a few campaigns to weigh in on the new tactics and strategies they will be relying on to move ahead with critical elections. What is still possible? What is newly possible? How can we help from our homes? You can read our candidate Q&A’s here. Also, check out our Q&A’s about the Pennsylvania Primary Election. […]