Community Group Partners with Striking Post-Gazette Workers on Pet Food Drive

New Guild of Pittsburgh holiday logo

This wasn’t a difficult decision, I thought when considering if the Dr. John P. Ruffing Pet Food Pantry could help members of the the Guild facing their third holiday season on strike. Technically, it is month 26, the longest ongoing strike in the United States. Our pet food pantry was created to fill gaps in […]

A blog as a shared space of issues. The Post-Gazette explores this blog.

A few weeks ago, I had coffee with Diana Nelson Jones for what I thought would be a brief mention in the Post-Gazette about the blog’s nomination for a GLAAD Media Award. The award will be presented this Thursday. Turns out that article was more extensive and expansive than I thought. She called people and […]

Local LGBTQ Links We Are Reading – March 9 2018

We’ve compiled some links from around the region on LGBTQ themes. It is important to read the information and to pay attention to what your local media is sharing around LGBTQ topics. Best of all, consider submitting your own letter to the editor to your local outlet. Lutheran seminary faces leadership crisis over president’s past LGBTQ […]

Local LGBTQ Links We’re Reading – January 5, 2018

Here are the LGBTQ related links we’ve been reading this past week. Let us know what we missed. Christopher Dixon, 24, has filed a federal lawsuit against the Allegheny Intermediate Unit and Mission One Educational Services, claiming he was not given paid shifts due to his sexual orientation. Dixon is a gay man. Chris Potter […]

Local LGBTQ Links We’ve Been Reading This Week – Dec 8

Liz Navratil and Angela Couloumbis at the Post-Gazette have a wrap-up of the calls for State Representative Daryl Metcalfe to be held accountable for his homophobic rant this week. The party is called to demote him and he is called to step down. Don’t hold your breath. Ryan Deto at the City Paper has his own […]

Post-Gazette Ignores Trans Community When It Comes To Discrimination

When I saw the headline “Jurassic Legislature: As gays marry, lawmakers won’t protect their rights” I cringed. I thought to myself as I opened the link “please let them get it right, please let them get it right.” BOOM. They got it so very wrong. The poor performance of the state Legislature has a number […]

City Councilman Burgess Doesn’t Seem To Think LGBTQ Identity Reflects Diversity

City Councilman Ricky Burgess believes – nay, insists – that the next President of City Council be a person of color. And he’s willing to step up to the challenge.  Burgess notably the only member of that body who refuses to sign the Pridefest Proclamation because Pride is too “sexualized” has also historically  ignored the […]

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Series on Mental Illness

This week, the Post-Gazette is running a series by the excellent Joe Smydo about the impact of the closure of Mayview State Hospital on people living with mental illness in this region. A special five-part series Sunday, Sept. 22: Overview and portrait of former Mayview State Hospital patients. Monday, Sept. 23: Community hospitals struggle with […]

A Bishop, a Rabbi and a Newspaper Columnist Walk Into a Gay Bar

The Post-Gazette has published a lovely piece from Rabbi Aaron B. Bisno, senior rabbi of Rodef Shalom Congregation in Squirrel Hill. We don’t like the government intruding into citizens’ personal lives, and we have a deeply ingrained sympathy for victims of prejudice, having so often been victims ourselves. As Rabbi Yoffie states, “We know from long […]

Letter to the Editor: Chick-fil-A Is Where We Took Our Stand

Seriously, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when I read this in the Post-Gazette letters to the editor: The people of this region spoke loud and clear of how they feel about gay marriage when we supported Chick-fil-A and stood in line for hours and wrapped around the building several times. The people […]