“How Can I Help?” Are The Sweetest Words

Pittsburgh Pride

There’s plenty of good news to report from Cathy’s Closet We’ve raised nearly $700 through Crowdrise, a private donation and the proceeds from an iCandy event in April. We have 12 collections scheduled, starting last month actually. Cathy was honored with a posthumous award by the editors of Keystone Alliance/Gaylife Newsletter which will be accepted […]

If You Can’t Afford Tampons, What Do You Do?

Cathy's Closet Sister Supplies

This is a problem that I never thought about until I was 25 years old. While my family had financial struggles, I never lacked the items most women take for granted – pads and tampons. At 25, I met Shirley who gently educated me on the impact of poverty on our womanly ways. I learned […]

10 Things You Can’t Buy With Food Stamps

Food Stamps

My latest piece published on Huffington Post in the “Gay Voices” section …

I’d Rather Remember My 39th Birthday

Do you still feel pressure of conform? If no, what age did it stop? Also, Write a post inspired by your sixteenth birthday. Oh, my dear question generator, you are obviously not part of a subculture or a subculture within a subculture. The “pressure to conform” to being straight is all around you. Open the newspaper […]

When Helpers Need Help: Reflection on Life As An Activist

Cathy Cairns

Cathy is 61 years old. Her professional career has spanned nearly four decades in a rural community just outside of Pittsburgh. As she faces her final days with a diagnosis of end stage pancreatic cancer, she finds herself without the financial means to pay for her final expenses – a funeral, gravesite and a headstone. […]

Who Do Our Allies Really Welcome to the Table?

Tonight, I have no tact, I’m paranoid and I don’t understand how collaboration works. So the gatekeeper decides that I do not get access to my elected official unless I explain myself to him first. This is why I hate that so many elected officials have gmail accounts that are screened by staff anyway. What’s […]

City Council to Consider Changes to Domestic Partner Registry

Today I got word that City Councilor Bruce Kraus is introducing legislation to amend the City Code around the Domestic Partner Registry:   Bill No. 2013-1772  Ordinance amending the Pittsburgh Code, Title One, Administrative, Article XI: Personnel, Chapter 186: Domestic Partnership and Common Law Spouse Benefits, by adding language in Section 186.04: Requirements for Mutual Commitment Registry. […]

Five Ways To Make Labor Day More Meaningful to the Average Person

Labor Day was officially established by Congress in 1894.  I’ve been thinking about its relevancy in today’s world – how does the FOP and the SEIU and Wal-Mart and UPMC tie together? So here are my thoughts on how Labor itself can help me understand.   First, educate us. I’d love to attend a Labor […]

Bullies With Buggies – How Register Rage Blinds Otherwise Reasonable People to The Facts

I never really understood why or how people manage to monitor the grocery shopping habits of other people in their line.  Yes, I might glance in someone’s cart while waiting my turn in line, but I tend to look away – sort of good manners dictating that I not stare at what people are purchasing. […]

Tampons, Texas and Tears – Sister Supplies

The meme about the Texas State Legislature banning state resident from bringing tampons or pads into the General Assembly buildings during a heated debate on abortion really got me thinking. On its face, this is patently absurd – have you ever tried to throw a tampon at anyone? Or a pad? Even drenched in water, […]