The (dis)comforts of turning 50

Comfort comes from feeling engaged and accepted by others. As I approach my 50th birthday, I naturally have been reflecting on well my 50 years of life. This past year has been a doozy, My 19 year old cat Simon died a few days after my 49th birthday. I had to end my relationship with […]

Ary, 53, Shares Their Experiences as a Nonbinary Gynophile #AMPLIFY

nonbinary gynophile

  Name: Ary Age: 53 County of Residence: Allegheny County Pronouns: They/them How do you describe your identity? nonbinary gynophile Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? Trans friends in my company, and friends from a facebook account under an alternate name. How would you describe yourself NOW in terms […]

‘Nowhere to breathe easy’ – That Time When Anxiety Spoiled My Chance to See Heart and Joan Jett Perform. Here’s How It Happened.

Heart Joan Jett Anxiety

We may still have time, we might still get by Every time I think about it, I want to cry With bombs and the devil and the kids keep coming Nowhere to breathe easy, no time to be young But I tell myself that I was doing alright There’s nothing left to do tonight But […]

Facing Complex Trauma as an Adult

Trauma Informed Care Persad Center

I’ve blogged in the past about my journey living with mental health diagnoses and trying to access resources for support. For many years, I’ve been dealing with the dual diagnoses of a major mood disorder and anxiety disorders. And I’ve referenced growing up in a neglectful family surrounded by addiction, untreated mental health issues, chaos, […]

My (Most Recent) Trauma Timeline and Losing My Voice

In the spring, I was assigned to a new therapist who practices “trauma informed” therapy. It was time to work on some of the deep, dark stuff that I had been dancing around for years and began to really acknowledge just in the six months prior. I was still recovering from the hysterectomy and hadn’t […]

I recently learned that I am experiencing a trauma reaction, stemming from the complex trauma I experienced as a child and young adult. I knew the trauma happened, but I had a tendency to minimize it as something not as serious as depression or anxiety. The cumulative impact of the Grand Jury Repory on Sexual […]

How Some People Use Shame to Get Their Needs Met

Someone tried to shame me today. The circumstances don’t matter. It is my reaction that matters. And truth be told, I’m struggling. Because shaming is an effective tool that when dispatched with cunning and the intent to wound can be absolutely devastating. We see this playing out on a very public matter with the tactics […]

Dean Sees Queer Struggles as Stories of Strength #AMPLIFY

Gay Asexual Polyamorous Pittsburgh

Name: Dean

Age: 31

County of Residence: Allegheny

Preferred Pronouns: Male, He, Gay.

How do you describe your identity? Gay male with asexual tendencies in a polyamourus relationship

Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? Coming out was a matter of lie, deny or try. I was outed by a female friend that had a crush on me in 8th grade. She decided to tell the only out gay male in our class / school – which led to everyone soon bringing the question up to me & family members. At the time I was seeing a fellow classmate on the wrestling team. He denied and I chose to try and not lie.

How would you describe yourself NOW in terms of “being out”? After experiencing much in the strictly male “gay world” I now prefer to be associated with a queer community than just men. There has been more open arms, plus understanding amongst a community made up of all genders + sexualities & identifications. Not just one orientation alienating my personal views.

Jay, 33, Says Stories Are Part of Queer Liberation #AMPLIFY

Queer Mennonite

Name:  Jay Age:  33 County of Residence:  Allegheny Preferred Pronouns:  they/them How do you describe your identity? white, genderqueer, queer, Mennonite, survivor with PTSD, justice worker Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face?  It was a slow process. I had my first girlfriend freshman year of college at […]

Talking With Moriah Ella Mason About Debut of New Movement Piece at Off The Wall Theater

off the WALL Productions debuts a new piece of movement theater later this month. Kimono ‘explores the theme of social justice through the experience of victims, the evil of predation, and the culpability of predators With the help of a woman who appears on his doorstep, a traumatized man, an artist, reconstitutes his life through the […]