12 Lesbian Thanksgivings

This year, Ledcat and I will celebrate our 12th Thanksgiving as a couple. Our plans include dinner with our family of choice (aka The Sarahs and their 2 kids) who are vegetarian but prepare turkey breast for us. I’m pretty sure we’ll be schooled in a video game by the 8 year old and get […]


Pumpkin Pie, pi, George Takei

The prompt: Pumpkin or apple pie at Thanksgiving (or choose any fall holiday)? Do you have a family recipe? This reminds me of a story … early in our relationship, Ledcat was discussing her mother’s plans for Thanksgiving to which I and my parents were invited. I asked about the menu and she ran through it, […]

Abundance of deliciousness …

We cleaned up pretty well on Thanksgiving Blueberry Muffins prepurchased at The Priory Fine Bakery Peanut butter blossoms purchased to keep blueberry muffins company.   Leftovers from Ledcat family meal, enough to make an entire meal for us both tomorrow. Iced pumpkin cookies Ledcat purchased Weds night (unaware of peanut blossoms) to make me feel […]