#AMPLIFY To Create Rally Kit for LGBTQ Community To Borrow

It began with a Facebook message around 9 pm the other night.  A member of our community reached out to me because her high school aged son was helping to organize a student-led rally. The next morning at 7:30 AM. She wondered if I had or knew of someone who had a bullhorn for the […]

Photos from LGBTQ Rally in Lawrenceville

I’m still working on my write-up of the rally itself – I hope to have some constructive, next-step news early this week. In the meantime, you can take a look at the photo I took at the rally. Click on this photo to go to the entire album.

Update from Cleveland – Rally for Cemia Acoff

I am simply horrified to report that the Cleveland Plains Dealer has yet to eliminate the transphobic and hateful content in their reporting on the murder of 20 year old Cemia Acoff (also known as Ce Ce Dove.)  It is simply unbelievable, but it is important to take note of this degree of institutionalized hate. […]

Save the Date: Pittsburgh Dyke and Trans March 2013

Saturday, June 22, 2013 – Bloomfield.  For more details – check them out on Facebook! Want to help? Join the “float committee” Offer to drive folks to & from march so they can participate Donate – $5 or $50 will help with some of the modest costs Donate clean, gently used tee shirts (plain, solid […]