When You Ask Me About the Delta Foundation …

This is a follow-up post to one I just published:   Can the Delta Foundation be redeemed? With increasing frequency, people are contacting me to ask for my summary of the Delta Foundation’s actions. I think you should 1) review the primary source materials directly and 2) decide for yourself. Keep in mind, we are talking […]

Can the Delta Foundation be redeemed?

Pgh Lesbian Correspondents

(Note: If you want a rundown on the Delta Foundation’s history, read this post.) A few days ago, I was doing a walk and talk with someone chatting about general LGBTQ community news. They asked me point-blank “Is there anything the Delta Foundation can do to redeem itself?” My response boils down to this. There […]

An Open LGBTQ Pride Letter to @SenCasey UPDATED

Senator Casey LGBTQ

Senator Bob Casey has been working hard to move left and seize the post-electoral mantle of a progressive leader in Pennsylvania. And we absolutely need him to continue his aggressive leadership on choice, healthcare, immigration and more. So it was quite jarring to come across this the other day. It is a photo from the […]

“Your Story Can Heal” Says Rain, 26, #AMPLIFY

Demisexual Greene Washington Allegheny counties

At the end of the day, your silence is damaging. Your story can heal and make people feel like they’re not alone. Name:  Rain Age:  26 ** Update – I made an error and listed Rain’s age as 44. I am sorry for the error. – Sue County of Residence:  Allegheny, formerly Washington and Greene Preferred […]

Thank You For Nine Nominations In The Readers Choice Awards

We are honored to be nominated for nine awards across eight categories for the 2016 Keystone Alliance Gaylife Newsletter Reader’s Choice Awards.  Thank you to everyone who nominated us in these categories. We regularly contribute to the newsletter and appreciate their good work in the Southwest Central PA region. This is the semi-final ballot. To vote, […]

Cat is Queer, Genderfluid, and Fully Out #AMPLIFY

Pittsburgh Queer

Name: Cat Conley Age:  27 County of Residence:  Allegheny Pronouns: she/her How do you describe your identity? I identify as queer/genderfluid. There are days when I hate any reinforcement of my femininity, and other days when I revel in it. I haven’t figured out a solution yet beyond scowling when someone uses words like “dainty” to describe me. […]

Pittsburgh Pridefest – Part Three

I’m going to share my thoughts in a four-part series, built around four distinct events – a face-to-face meeting with Pridefest organizers, a community town hall meeting organized by Roots Pride organizers, the protests at Pride in the Streets on Saturday evening and, finally, Pridefest itself on Sunday. These are events I personally attended/witnessed as […]

Pittsburgh Pridefest – Part Two

Pittsburgh Roots Pride

I’m going to share my thoughts in a four-part series, built around four distinct events – a face-to-face meeting with Pridefest organizers, a community town hall meeting organized by Roots Pride organizers, the protests at Pride in the Streets on Saturday evening and, finally, Pridefest itself on Sunday. These are events I personally attended/witnessed as […]

About The Pittsburgh Pride March

Pittsburgh Pridefest

There have been multiple calls for people to boycott the annual Pittsburgh Pride March as a show of solidarity with those in our community who are crying out against the Delta Foundation and the oppressive structures it represents. Some have taken umbrage with that call, suggesting it is a divisive tactic that hurts the larger […]

UPDATED Pittsburgh Will NOT Enforce Free Speech Zones at Pridefest

Pittsburgh Pridefest

That was quick. This came in from the City of Pittsburgh via Sonya Toler. Sight and Sound zones are outside of the following locations: 100 Wood Street PNC 1st Side Park BNY Mellon Plaza PNC Triangle Park 620 Liberty Avenue Liberty Center Federal Building Corner Adjacent from the Federal Building The Zones will be there […]