Black Trans Man Banko Brown, 24, Shot to Death by Walgreens Security Guard in San Francisco

headshot of a young Black man wearing a yellow sweatshirt and a yellow viser upside down

Banko Brown, a 24-year-old Black trans man, is the most recent reported victim of anti-trans violence after he was fatally shot by a security guard in a San Francisco Walgreens. Banko used the surnames Brown and Paso. At approximately 6:33 p.m., SFPD officers from Tenderloin Station responded to a report of a shooting at 825 […]

Hutch, 57, Marched With Harvey Milk and Knows We Have Miles To Go #AMPLIFY

Pittsburgh Bisexual Man

Name:  Hutch Age: 57 County of Residence:  Allegheny, formerly Westmoreland Pronouns: Male How do you describe your identity? Bi Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? I was kind of out in mid 70s in Massachusetts. But officially came out at 16 when I moved to San Francisco in […]

Paul, 61, Marched in Pittsburgh’s First Gay Pride March in 1973 #AMPLIFY

Paul Ellis Pittsburgh

Note: Paul was part of a USA Today story about Gay Pride which is how I learned about his role in a significant moment in Pittsburgh’s LGBTQ history – the 1973 Gay Pride March. Paul Ellis has seen a lot of Gay Pride parades. He marched in Pittsburgh’s first one in 1973 with just 40 other […]

Tristan, 28, is Gay, Mexican-American, a Comedian and Writer and Drag Queen #AMPLIFY

gay pittsburgh drag queer

Name: Tristan Age: 28 County of Residence: Allegheny Pronouns: He/Him How do you describe your identity? Gay, Mexican-American Comedian and Writer, and drag queen Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? I came out when I was 15 to my parents. I don’t know why I […]

Where Would I Live?

If you were asked to spend a year living in a different location, where would you choose and why? So, my first impulse is to move to Europe. My very next thought is “what about the pets?” So I’m going to stick with a US location. My first choice would be Seattle and/or Portland. I’ve […]

Update on the Murder of Taja Gabrielle de Jesus, 4th Trans Woman of Color Killed in 2015

Taja de Jesus

My previous post about the death of Taja Gabrille de Jesus is not properly displaying her name. So I wanted to take a few moments to update you on what I’ve learned.   Taja was a Latina trans woman who lived in San Francisco, originally from San Jose. She worked with a trans organization called […]

Bullied LGBT Teen Taken Off Life Support; So Tell Me Again Why It Doesn’t Matter what Pro-Football Players Say?

This is just heartbreaking. A gay teenager in La Grande, Oregon died after a suicide attempt that took place in the schoolyard of an elementary school. Fifteen-year-old Jadin Bell hung himself on Saturday, Jan. 19, but according to Portland’s KATU, he was taken off life support on Tuesday. Family and friends said the boy was the target […]