Local and National News Intersections in LGBTQ Media


Yesterday, someone asked me to compare my ‘national’ content to my ‘local’ blog content. I was a bit flummoxed because it rarely seems to be so neatly parsed. My life and the lives of all LGBTQIA+ folx in this region are regularly defined by the collision of the local with the national. Our lives are […]

Where do These 36 Pennsylvania State and Federal Candidates Stand on the Potential to Overturn Roe? Nine of Them Have Told Us in our Q&A Series

Political Q&A

As part of our current Political Q&A series with candidates running in the May 2022 Primary, we require participants to identify as pro-choice along with meeting other criteria. For me choice/body autonomy/reproductive justice are deeply embedded in LGBTQ equality and rights. That is also true in terms of the Supreme Court rationale used in cases […]

Pgh Media Outlets Lift Up White, Cis Voices and Allies to Examine SCOTUS LGBTQ Ruling, Disregard Black Voices

I am deeply dismayed that most of the regional media coverage of yesterday’s stunning civil rights win for the LGBTQ community has centered white cisgender and heterosexual folx. I don’t understand how these journalists could have been so deeply embedded in recent events without questioning why all the ‘deciders’ are white cisgender folx? Or incorporating […]

US Supreme Court Leaves Stand Texas High Court Ruling Undermining Marriage Equality

Domestic Partner Benefits

This is a nightmare scenario for me. I am not being histrionic, or perhaps I am being consistent with the histrionic level I’ve been maintaining on domestic partner benefits since 2014.  The US Supreme Court has let stand a Texas Supreme Court  ruling that there is no established right to spousal benefits in same-sex marriages. […]

Rachel Maddow Schools Rick Santorum on Civics

Rachel Maddow Rick Santorum

We love Rachel Maddow. She’s the best thing about cable, closely tied with Melissa Harris-Perry. She has first name status in our home: “Wanna watch Rachel tonight?” “If we hurry, we can catch Rachel!” MSNBC is practically the only channel we watch on cable. Granted we have the lowest tier of channel options, but it […]

LGBTQ&A: State Senator Wayne Fontana

An occasional series where we pose some questions to local LGBTQ folks (and Allies) to learn more about their personal experiences with LGBTQ culture.  Click here for a complete list of all LGBTQ&A profiles.   I’ve lived in Senator Fontana’s district for more than eight years and I”m very active – I email him pretty often and […]

Marriage Equality: A View From Pittsburgh

Ten years ago this very month, I went to a planning session at the Gay & Lesbian Community Center of Pittsburgh to learn about a women’s discussion group. At that meeting, I struck up a conversation with another woman. We talked about our cats and the fact that we had both recently become home owners. Fast […]

Pgh Interfaith Prayer Vigil Set for SCOTUS Decisions on Marriage Equality

Rev. Janet McCune Edwards, PhD invites you to join her in a prayer vigil next week. Upon the Supreme Court Decision on Marriage (or Not)  Interfaith Prayer Vigil Wednesday, June 26, 2013 7 pm Sixth Presbyterian Church 1688 Murray Ave. in Squirrel Hill Unless an exception is made, the Supreme Court of the United States […]

Gay Marriage Between Two Corporations of the Same Sex

Pgh LGBTQ Vigil – The Wrong Straight Man?

More than 100 people turned out Wednesday for a vigil following the final day of argument on marriage equality before the Supreme Court. It was freezing and rainy/snowy and basically not a fun time – but it was still great. The crowd was diverse, the signs were fun and I’ll let the photos speak for […]