Friends Don’t Describe Friends as Homosexuals

This week has brought out an array of interesting allies to the LGBTQ community. I’ve watched all sorts of folks respond to the vote for bigotry in NC and the President’s statement (and the Vice President’s statement earlier in the week) with a mixture of delight and surprise. Most of the people I know seem […]

The Current Status of Equality Legislation in Pennsylvania

I grabbed this snippet summary from HRC: In May, Pennsylvania House Bill  1434 was introduced which would propose and amendment to the Pennsylvania Constitution reading:” Marriage is the legal union of only one man and one woman as husband and wife and no other legal union that is treated as marriage or the substantial equivalent […]

Anti-Discrimination Protections in Whitemarsh Township

Congratulations to the residents, elected officials and advocates in Montgomery County’s Whitemarsh Township for establishing discrimination protections for their residents.  Springfield and Lower Merion also recently enacted such ordinances for the protections of their residents’ rights to housing, employment and public accomodation. I believe that brings the statewide total up to 18 municipalities?  Here’s a […]