Are you seeing this blog post? Great, let’s get more social

Recently, I changed the settings on our Jetpack subscription tool to send out a snip of each post with a link to read more. The email you receive gives you the option of reading the post at the blog or in a WordPress reader. And you can of course use your preferred RSS reader directly. […]

Reasons to Suck It Up Buttercup, Read Your Damn Email

You need to read your email. And not wait for me to poke you on another platform to read your email. It isn’t fair to expect me – in crisis mode, as you know – to manage so many communication tools to keep body and soul together Everyone has their favorite. Most of them are […]

Today’s theme was Maiden, Maven, Crone. Also I’m a Microinfluencer

Today has been a day. I awoke to find this lovely article in the Pittsburgh Union Progress highlighting our work to help the folx who help the cats and critters. The pantry is a labor of love for her, named in memory of her lifelong friend John Ruffing, a West Mifflin resident and veterinarian who […]

Creating Hope By Sharing Social Media Content

We create hope, not simply hold onto it or believe in it. Our actions create hope, our intentions and our impact. (Good intentions without good impact can also destroy hope. Don’t fall back on your intentions.) I have not written many news or political posts since the election. I am paying attention, but unsure what […]

As we followed him down To the station

Pittsburgh Famous

Today is #FollowFriday which is something I just made up tonight (Thursday night) I’ll post a video with some riff on “follow’ and you will return the favor by following me on social media. It is where I post tons and tons of cool links to all sorts of great reads. Plus, I have a […]

Asking People About Their Vaccination Status Makes Me Anxious

Social Media Face Mask Shares

Recently, a local elected official posted photos on social media – without masks – attending a social event outside. And then supported legislation requiring masks at outdoor spaces. Now that’s a little bit of a head spin, but more importantly to me is the failure to qualify the original posts. Are the people in the […]

Breaking Up With Buffer App; When Small Business Tools Outgrow Small Business Budgets

Buffer Social Media Sharing App

I joined Buffer Pro in February 2012. And it looks like I’ll be leaving them in October when the new price tiers kick-in. Buffer is a social media management system. I use it primarily to schedule my social media accounts and to create content. The Buffer blog is renowned for its excellent information. I learned […]

Katie, 26, is a Lesbian Working on Suicide Prevention in Pittsburgh #AMPLIFY

Kate lesbian Pittsburgh

  Name:  Katie Age:  26 County of Residence:  Allegheny, formerly lived in Massachusetts Pronouns: She/Her How do you describe your identity? Lesbian, White, Woman Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? Very supportive, no issues How would you describe yourself NOW in terms of “being out”? Out and proud, […]

Can We Find 11 New #AMPLIFY Donors to Celebrate 11 Years on Facebook?

Tuesday, July 19 will mark 11 years since I joined Facebook. This past May, I celebrated 10 years on Twitter. That’s a lot of content created and shared.  In that time, I’ve gone through three laptops, a tablet, and six phones. I took a closer look at the OP I shared and was (not) surprised […]

8 Facebook Tips for (Very) Small Business Owners

I’m helping a small business owner whose Facebook page was hijacked by a disgruntled former employee. A few things I’d like to share with other small business owners – useful mostly if you don’t have a strong working knowledge of Facebook and a very small team (no marketing person.) 1. Social media is an asset, […]