Social Media Presentation

As you may know, I offer “social media support” to local non-profits, small business and individuals – technically, I’m a consultant, but I consider myself more of a hand-holder/tutor. I’ve done everything from teach someone how to use Twitter to develop social media strategies. So, hey, give me a call if you need someone to […]

1,000 Likes on Facebook! It Must Be the Cat Memes …

Social Media Infuses Jane Austen With New Life

Social Media Infuses Jane Austen With New Life

As if you need a reason to reread “Pride and Prejudice” – if you do though, “The Lizzie Bennet Diaries” on YouTube is that reason. A episodic chapter homage to all things Austen, LBD chronicles the life of 24 year old communications grad student Lizzie Bennet and her family living in contemporary California. The chronicles […]

StumbleUpon Responds to Social Media Homophobia Concerns

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the decision of social media sharing site StumbleUpon to assign categories such a “lesbian culture” to the “not safe for work” listing.  As a recap: when you like something & click to share to the site, you are prompted to indicate if the site is safe for work […]

Podcamp Pittsburgh Panel: Talking About Fairness & Accuracy

Podcamp Pittsburgh Panel: Talking About Fairness & Accuracy

This was a highlight of my fall … a 45 minute discussion with Tony Norman (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette), Chris Potter (Pittsburgh City Paper), Aria Charles (Best Buddies) and Chaz Kellem (Pittsburgh Pirates) about fairness & accuracy in social media. And it was an honor that Jon Delano of KDKA attended and made some excellent points.

Spirit Day – Oct 19

This Friday marks Spirit Day– a day when allies wear purple to speak out against bullying and support LGBTQ youth. You can learn more by visiting the Spirit Day page at GLAAD. Why is this important? Well, today I learned that a young girl in a local school took her life and I have to […]

Facebook Takes Another Step Toward Equality; Still Hung Up On Words

Facebook is evolving.   Facebook, the world’s largest online social network, has taken another step toward LGBT-inclusiveness, introducing same-sex icons for users to select from when adding marriage events to their profile’s timeline. Previously, the marriages between gay couples were marked by the default “bride and groom” icon. That’s good. Images matter. But I don’t […]

NetRoots Nation 2012 – Reporting From The LGBT Pre-Conference

NetRoots Nation 2012 – Reporting From The LGBT Pre-Conference

Greetings from Providence. It is somewhat chilly here, but what a beautiful town. We are near the capitol building in a fancy, schmancy hotel with a great view and no vending machines (i know, i know.) After a 15 hour travel saga that was mostly uneventful thanks to Megabus, we made it here and spent […]

Facebook Is Not For Professional Communication

You know how much I adore social media. Facebook is one of my favorite tools in the whole world … somewhere between Android and being in control of the remote. But I just “go nuts” when people use Facebook’s email as a tool of professional communication. First, it is difficult to format messages so what […]

Take Our LGBTQ Social Media 101 Survey!

Take Our LGBTQ Social Media 101 Survey!

I am personally fascinated by the intersection of social media with social justice. From the use of Twitter during the recent uprisings throughout the Middle East to the Occupy movement, it is all abuzz. But on a microlevel, I have people say “I get like 4 links to your posts every day by Twitter, Facebook, […]