Help Kitten ‘Ashford’ Recover From Unplanned Surgery #Caturday

Watch foster mama try to wrangle five month kitten into his cone of shame. Three days ago, a small little guy showed up on a neighbor’s porch. No ear tip, no collar, super friendly. Unneutered male, probably 3-4 months old. Neighbors brought to us to get scanned. While checking him out, we found an abscess […]

My Essay on Hysterectomies and Trauma Informed Care Published Today at PublicSource

I wrote a thing, summarizing the institutional failures around gynecology and sexual trauma. Among other failings. Also, in the pensive cover photo you can’t see that I am standing next to a litter box while my cat is licking my ankles. I’m a pro. Gynecologists should have nursing or social work staff doing follow-up with […]

My #Hysterecovery Pants

One thing I did not anticipate well was my post-surgical clothing. I assumed I would wear pajamas and sweats for weeks. I almost bought a few extra pairs of sweatpants, but I’m glad that didn’t work out. There’s this post-surgical condition that the HysterSisters call swelly belly.  First of all, the term “swelly belly” (Latin term: […]

Here’s How My Hysterectomy Went

lesbian hysterectomy

Let me start by clarifying that my procedure was relatively smooth and I’m hitting all of the recovery benchmarks. That being said, what a day! We arrived at the hospital at 8:50 on the nose for my 10:50 surgery. They gave me something in my fluids and I was drifting in and out for a […]

Canine Convalescence Day One In Which All the Other Pets Make Me Crazy

Cone of Shame

  Xander came through his surgery like a champ. We picked him up around 7 PM. Well, technically the vet staff half-carried him to the car where he drunkenly sank into the back seat and sighed with what I hope was contentment when I petted him. The vet told me that everything went smoothly. They […]