Holiday Toy Distribution in Pittsburgh 2015

Behind the scenes, this information is some of the most frequently sought from my blog this time of year. So I’m going to make it as accessible as possible. There are two major two distributions that are open to the public. Play It Forward will distribute gently used toys, books and similar items on Saturday […]

How To Sign Up For Toys for Tots in Western PA – 2015 Edition

I’m actually late this year with this annual blog post. Finding information on Toys for Tots programs can be time-consuming and challenging. My work with the AMPLIFY project has expanded my awareness of how difficult it can be to access programs the further your family lives from an urban hub. My hope is to add […]

Ten Most Popular Blog Posts of 2014

2014 In Review

  These are the posts that drew the most viewers in 2014. It is an interesting mix of LGBTQ specific information and human services/poverty stories. Most of the stories are local, but not all. I think this reflects some of the balance I strive for on the blog. 10. Toys for Tots Distribution Information  – this […]

Will Pittsburgh Save Xmas?

Holiday toy drives are complicated beasts, sayeth this veteran of ten plus years of coordinating drives. On the one hand, donating gifts for children at the holidays seems very much in line with the holidays themselves. It makes sense that kids deserve presents and that sharing our excess is a very holiday-ish thing to do. […]

Pittsburgh Plays It Forward With Holiday Toy Project

Play It Forward is a terrific resource for regional families during the holidays. Building upon the idea of toy sharing, organizers collect gently used toys, stuffed animals and more to redistribute to families in need. I think it is an excellent idea and the fact that they received over 50,000 toys in 2013 suggests that […]

UPDATED LIHEAP, Toys for Tots and Other Critical Cold Weather Info for Neighbors

Pittsburgh Winter

I often write about human service programs, poverty, and related topics so people find their way to my site looking for information on programs to help their families and households, especially during the cold winter months. I see that happening already this year so I’m going to go ahead and share the information I can […]

Toys For Tots Pittsburgh Distribution 2013

Play It Forward and Toys for Tots are open & welcoming to LGBTQ families. If you have an experience that reflects otherwise, please let me know so I can pass it along.  LGBTQ families can also approach the GLCC for some outerwear items, but no toys or gifts at this time. Note: Play It Forward […]

Resources for Winter Months

Holiday gifts for free

Because I cover so many human service and social service agency topics, I receive a lot of “hits” from people searching for supports. I’m a little surprised how eary they are starting for the winter/holiday season and a lot sad about that. If you have email, it is a really good idea to get on […]

Pgh Gift Program Makes Gifts Available to Older Kids, Too

Play it Forward Pittsburgh provides parents of children from all ages with an opportunity to get up to 5 gently used items for holiday gifts. Older kids are so often overlooked that we think this is a wonderful idea and wish we had heard about it sooner. It would be great to collect CDs and […]

Holiday Help – The Not So Pleasant Part

It happens every year. Every year for eight years. So why would I expect any different this ninth year of being involved in holiday giving projects? Today was the day. It was late in the year, but I wasn’t surprised. It was the call from the parent of young adolescents (11 and 14) seeking help […]