Update from Cleveland – Rally for Cemia Acoff

I am simply horrified to report that the Cleveland Plains Dealer has yet to eliminate the transphobic and hateful content in their reporting on the murder of 20 year old Cemia Acoff (also known as Ce Ce Dove.)  It is simply unbelievable, but it is important to take note of this degree of institutionalized hate. […]

Profile: Trans* Comic Ian Harvie Brings Show to Pittsburgh (And Ticket Giveaway)

Ian Harvie bills himself as “Stand Up Comic. Trans Man Superhero. Dog wrangler. Closet Cowboy.” Intrigued? We were so we took a moment to email him about his art and his upcoming show in Pittsburgh – Saturday, April 27 at Mullens on the Northside. Ian’s team has graciously offered us a pair of tickets to […]


(This is a modified edition of a blog post originally published at Huffington Post GayVoices.) “What exactly does it mean to be transgender?” “Why do they want to change their sex?” “Why can’t they just be gay or lesbian?” These are some of the questions I so ignorantly used to think about transgender people. I […]

Another Trans Bash #Fail Tied to Melissa McCarthy

Last week, we reported on an issue with CBS using a trans slur in their sitcom “Mike & Molly” which stars actor Melissa McCarthy. The slur “shemale” was used by Mike in the show; McCarthy was not in the scene, but people called on her to speak out given the vicious attack she endured at […]

Stuff You Should Read …

A few links for you to check out! The GLCC’s Chair, Lyndsey Sickler, has a great commentary in today’s Post-Gazette about the GLCC and collaboration. Knowing our neighbors and working together towards the common good is how we can create the diversity we need for our communities to flourish. We view collaborations with other organizations […]

Trans Panel from Netroots Nation 12

I’ve intended to post this for weeks now. I did not attend because of a schedule conflict, but I think this is really worth a watch. I met Joss, Autum and Monica at the event — they are terrific people and very articulate on a variety of issues. I suspect they also get some labeling […]

Pitt Subpoenas Trans Couple in Bomb Threats

From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: A transgendered couple from Cambria County with ties to the University of Pittsburgh have been subpoenaed to appear before a federal grand jury in Pittsburgh that is investigating the rash of bomb threats at Pitt. The couple, Seamus Johnston, 22, and Katherine Anne McCloskey, 56, said FBI agents visited their apartment […]