GI Sue: Part Seven in a Chronic Health Crisis

Sue Kerr Cats

When we left my little saga in the spring, I was waiting to see a rheumatologist, That was April. It took until late September to do so. Is it me or does it seem like appointments with specialists are even harder to secure now than before the pandemic? My dermatologist is booking nearly 18 months […]

Q&A With Ed Gainey, Candidate for Mayor, City of Pittsburgh

Ed Gainey Mayor Campaign

Last year, a pro-Trump candidate got the ACDC endorsement in a legislative race, but this year, in endorsing me, the ACDC is supporting a Black candidate for Mayor for the first time in it’s history. What those two results show me is that we are in a fight for the soul of our local party, […]

I Miss When It Felt Good to Be at Persad

Persad Center Delta Foundation Pridefest

I went in for my weekly therapy session today. It is Pride week! I didn’t expect banners or balloons, but I guess I expected some energy and vibes? Instead, it just felt the same as it has for months – a sad place with anxious folks (staff) dealing with a world that does not appreciate, […]

Measles Outbreak in Pittsburgh: I Tried To Get a Booster and Here’s What Happened

Measles Pittsburgh

I was born in 1970 and am reasonably sure my parents had me appropriately vaccinated. But I do not have a relationship with them, nor would they be reliable reporters. My mother actually kept out records for years in our baby books, but those were tossed by my brother. Soooo … I’m relying on the […]

My Essay on Hysterectomies and Trauma Informed Care Published Today at PublicSource

I wrote a thing, summarizing the institutional failures around gynecology and sexual trauma. Among other failings. Also, in the pensive cover photo you can’t see that I am standing next to a litter box while my cat is licking my ankles. I’m a pro. Gynecologists should have nursing or social work staff doing follow-up with […]

UPMC v Highmark: Chapter 897689

Highmark UPMC

For the past several months, I have been interviewed by reporter Carolyn Johnson for a Washington Post piece on the Pittsburgh healthcare scene. More specifically, she was writing about the impact of two companies ‘stacking’ healthcare insurance with healthcare providers into what we know as UPMC and Highmark/Allegheny Health Network. I think vertical integration is the […]

When Allegheny Health Network & Highmark Aren’t on Speaking Terms

lesbian hysterectomy

So I still have no date for my hysterectomy. My doctor, Lee Hammons, joined Allegheny Women’s Health in September 2017. They are part of the Allegheny Health Network (AHN) which is owned by Highmark. We have Highmark insurance. But Highmark has not yet approved Dr. Hammons to perform surgeries. At least, that’s what his office […]

Allegheny Health Network is the Donald Trump of Regional Health Care: A Saga

Dick Cheney Donald Trump

I’ve been a long-time patient of a UPMC primary care practice out of sheer practicality, but considered myself #TeamHighmark for political and personal reasons. We have Highmark health insurance through Ledcat’s employer which has caused numerous problems over the years over crap like UPMC levying a ‘facility fee’ because my PCP is housed in a […]

Emily, 40, Talks About LGBTQ Visibility, Intersectionality & Resiliency #AMPLIFY

lesbian pittsburgh

What motivated you to take part in this project? Part of wanting increased visibility for your community is being more visible yourself. When the plea was posted in the LGBTQ Community of Pittsburgh Facebook group I felt it was my responsibility as a member of this community to contribute my voice. Plus, I love talking about myself. 😉

Carmen is a Queer Black Womyn from Pittsburgh #AMPLIFY

Western Pennsylvania

Read the entire AMPLIFY LGBTQ Q&A archive. AMPLIFY LGBTQ is a new occasional series of blog posts designed to give a “signal boost” to the voices of our LGBTQ neighbors throughout Western Pennsylvania. We are using a Q&A format and will mostly avoid editing their responses. The questions, however, may change as we ask each […]