Trans Latina Rikkey Outumuro aka Tru Starlet Murdered by Boyfriend in Washington State

Rikkey Outumurro

Her name was Rikkey Outumuro, also known by her stage name Tru Starlet. Rikkey was a 39-year-old Latina transgender woman and performer. She was fatally shot in Centralia, Washington, on the night of Oct. 30 or the morning of Oct. 31, 2021. Rikkey was killed by her 28-year-old boyfriend who shot her at least five […]

Toys For Tots Pittsburgh Distribution 2013

Play It Forward and Toys for Tots are open & welcoming to LGBTQ families. If you have an experience that reflects otherwise, please let me know so I can pass it along.  LGBTQ families can also approach the GLCC for some outerwear items, but no toys or gifts at this time. Note: Play It Forward […]

Washington, PA Councilman Claims He Used Gay to Mean “Happy” in Email Test Message

In another fun example of Western PA’s descent into a red haze, we have this story from “Little Washington” PA – Councilman Matt Staniszewski sent out a mass email with the statement “Bryan is gay.” He admits he did it. The email was sent as part of a test run of a new emergency alert system. […]

Four (Apparent) Wins on Marriage Equality

Let me preface by sharing that Washington votes by mail so that referendum decision won’t be finalized for a few days. But last night was breathtaking in that fact that marriage equality had three solid wins. In Maryland, voters approved a referendum on the marriage equality law passed by the State Legislature 52-48%. Maine approved […]

Washington Equalizes Marriage

Congratulations to our sisters and brothers in Washington State and across the land who have worked to achieve this victory. A move is already underway to put this on the ballot. I strongly urge you to watch this video of Governor Gregoire’s comments, among others. The Governor’s Comments – Good morning. Welcome! Thank you, Ed […]