Q&A with Sabrina Korbel, Judge, Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas

Presently, on the Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas, only 30% of judges are women;  only  four  judges  are people of  color;  only  one  judge  is  a  woman  of  color  and  only  two  judges openly identify at LGBTQ.  With nine open seats, we are at a moment in time where  we can change how the […]

Reflection on Burgh Baby’s “Christmas Crazy” Project to Benefit Womansplace

For several years, Michelle at Burgh Baby has organized a holiday gift project called “Christmas Crazy.” In this indeavor, she’s enlisted folks as diverse as Solstice Cafe and Scarehouse. Michelle divides the gifts between local domestic violence programs to provide holiday gifts for women who often flee into the night with little in hand save […]