My supervisor made me cry, but refused to let me get a tissue

When I was a younger social worker, I had a boss whom everyone thought was wonderful. Smart, savvy, all the things. One morning, he took me aside to discuss comments I had made at an event the previous evening. I was out of line – I was complaining about the boss of bosses at a […]

I’ve been wrong about Persad Center’s Board of Directors

The Persad Board of Directors. They have lost the faith and confidence of the LGBTQ community, the staff, and the clients. Their fawnish devotion to the Delta Foundation and to Central Outreach Wellness Center is unethical and causing harm. They are responsible for driving the organization into the ground. And they lack the humility, introspection, […]

Western PA Federal Court Ruling Establishes Sexual Orientation as Protected Class in Workplace

EEOC ruling sexual orienation

A November 16 ruling by in the US Federal District for Western Pennsylvania paves the way for sexual orientation to be considered a protected class in the workplace. Scott Medical Health Center has been ordered to pay $55,500 and provide written notifications of sex harassment allegations made in the next five years. The case, filed […]

Kim, 44, Says She Lost Her Job in Beaver County Because She’s a Lesbian #AMPLIFY

  Name: Kim Age: 44 County of Residence:  Beaver County. Previously lived in Allegheny and Butler counties. Preferred Pronouns: Ms. How do you describe your identity? White Lesbian Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? I was 16. I told my mother that I was GAY! She said ” I know, I’ve […]

When A Manager Send You Pornographic Email

Porn Email

While debate rages over the “inappropriate email” scandal in Harrisburg, I am reminded of one much-overlooked fact: this happens to a lot of us in our workplaces. And it is not a pleasant experience, precisely because it typically reflects deeper things about the workplace culture rather than a one time “whoops” scenario. Here’s what’s happening […]

Overheard At Work: “Tone Down the Gay”

Daily Prompt: Hear No Evil Tell us about a conversation you couldn’t help but overhear and wish you hadn’t. One day, I attended an early morning work meeting (this was awhile ago) and made casual conversation with the others in attendance by sharing an anecdote about the gas company waking Ledcat and me up super […]

When Being an Ally Makes a Difference …

I was recently “targeted” on LinkedIn for a little gay bashing. The details I’ll save for another post, but it boiled down to someone telling me that the word lesbian was not appropriate in a profession environment. It went downhill from there. This is not the first time I’ve encountered this mentality. I’ve been asked […]