Saturday Morning, I’ll Be in a Fake Holiday Parade Courtesy of YaJagoff and Duquesne Light

My adult dream was to be “Pittsburgh famous” enough to be invited to participate in the now-defunct Celebrate the Seasons Parade. I marched in it many times in high school, but I wanted to ride in a fancy car and wave to the crowds. And be warm.   Alas, that parade is no more. So […]

Top Things I Wish Pittsburgh’s Best Local Blogger Got To Do

Best Local Blogger Pittsburgh

I’ve been savoring my surprise nab of the Best Local Blogger category in the Pittsburgh City Paper’s 2016 ‘Best of Pittsburgh’ awards. By savoring, I mean that I agonized over how much I hated the accompanying photo, missed the award party because of anxiety and have awkwardly inserted the factoid into as many conversations as possible simply because Ledcat dared me to do so. I said it at least 10 times when I was in a blogging panel. Yes, I did use the phrase, “I traffic in the currency of exposure.”

Time to Vote in Pittsburgh Magazine’s 2016 Reader’s Poll

March is here and with it comes the annual reader’s poll sponsored by Pittsburgh Magazine – your opportunity to weigh in on all things awesome about Pittsburgh. Here are the rules In order for your ballot to be counted, we ask that you vote in at least 10 categories. No individual, business or event should […]

A Blogger, An Artist and an Advocate Walk Into a Bar

Podcamp Pittsburgh

This weekend, I’ll be doing something rather cool (again) – presenting at Podcamp Pittsburgh 9 along with my friends and collaborators, Nina Sauer of Most Wanted Fine Art  and Erin Gill Ninehouser of the Pennsylvania Health Access Network (PHAN).    The theme of this year’s Podcamp is “Ignite” PodCamp Pittsburgh is a social, new media […]

Pittsburgh Bloggers Night at OUTrageous Bingo Set For December 7

OUTrageous Bingo will celebrate 16 years of raising funds to support Pittsburgh’s LGBTQ Community Center (the GLCC) and Shepherd Wellness Community at their upcoming event on Saturday, December 7, 2013. And the bloggers will be there to help make a little history. We’ll have a table to play together and cheer on our very own […]

“God Hates Jags” Pittsburgh Allies Stand Up To Westboro Baptist Church

God Hates Fags

Pittsburgh based comedian Davon Magwood has caught the attention of professional haters Westboro Baptist Church who allege they will picket his August 10 performance at the Club Cafe in Pittsburgh. Magwood an ally and self-professed “fan” of the LGBTQ community loathes the WBC for their treatment of his friends so when an opportunity to poke […]

LGBTQ&A: John – Blogger, Ally, Caller-Outer of Jagoffs

An occasional series where we pose some questions to local LGBTQ folks (and Allies) to learn more about their personal experiences with LGBTQ culture.                   I met John a few years ago when his (super awesome) blog, YaJagoff, called out someone for parking in a spot reserved […]

Join Us For GAYla This Weekend at Pittsburgh Public Market

We’ll be participating in the second annual GAYla event at the Pittsburgh Public Market on Saturday from 9-5 and Sunday 10-4. It is a chance to meet some of the local organizations and LGBTQ owned businesses. Stop by our booth to learn more about our blog and other social media tools. We’ll have coloring pages for […]

Guest Blog Post: Bullies are Jagoffs

Editor’s Note: This week, I’ll be sharing guest blog post from folks who identify as allies and what that means to them. Our friend Yajagoff Catcher from YaJagoff website weighs in and sums it up nicely. A few weeks ago, fellow social media-ite and new friend, Sue Kerr, let us know that, based on her online […]

Who is the Jagoff? Jumping to Conclusions about Disability Parking

Major fail on the part of the website Ya Jaoff! with regard to stereotyping people with disabilities, especially those that are considered “hidden” or “invisible.” We first met the “YaJagoff” team via Twitter. The site is a series of submissions by Pittsburgh folks who encounter quintessential examples of “jagoff” behavior. I should acknowledge that I […]