American Eagle takes a page from BP ...
on Sat 12 Jun 2010 09:29 AM EDT
... and not in a good way.
We've all heard about the ridiculous/offensive/hateful decision of BP to spend millions ($50 I believe) on a PR campaign, $50 million that would clean up a lot of dying birds and sealife. Or lost compensate people for lost income. You get the point.
Here in Pittsburgh, we have a mini-version of corporate bullshit that values public relations over the welfare of human beings, namely their employees. American Eagle, thy name is corporate meanie.
AE was the corporate sponsor for a childcare center on the Southside to the tune of $200 K. Imagine how wonderful it would be for a corporation with lots of below-living-wage employees to have access to quality childcare!
Then imagine a 90 day notice saying it is closing! My friends on Facebook have been frantic to find a substitute. But still, this cost cutting move saves jobs, right?

What a slap in the face this little tidbit must be ...
American Eagle Outfitters announced Thursday it won the right to name a new North Shore entertainment complex and the venue's Ohio-based developer said apartments and condos could be its next project.
Construction on the $12 million indoor-outdoor complex dubbed Stage AE began in April. It's expected to be completed in the fall with enough outdoor seating for up to 5,500 people and indoor seating for 2,400 people.
State taxpayers will chip in $2.5 million to build the entertainment complex, or about 21 percent of the overall construction cost. The Steelers declined to discuss the terms of American Eagle's contribution.
"I can't disclose those to you. We made an agreement with all of our parties not to do that," said Mark Hart, the Steelers' director of business.
An American Eagle spokeswoman also declined to disclose how much the company paid the Steelers for the naming rights. She said the multi-year agreement is the first time the company paid for naming rights.
So naming rights = good PR. Closure of daycare = unessential PR? Even if enrollment of AE employees has been declining, how does that justify 90 days notice? Clearly, some AE bureacrat didn't even have the compassion to allow the parents enough time to find decent substitutes.
Or they just don't care. Screw working class parents and their Target outfits. There's money to be made from folks who have disposable income for concerts, not diapers. Imagine when they roll out the Black and Gold bedazzled AE baseball caps?
I wonder if the "state taxpayers" realize the costs of daycare closures. Inevitably, people are going to leave the workforce because they can't find childcare. I'm sure productivity is almost zero for the harried parents. And what about the actual AE employees who have just been completely bitch slapped by heartless overlords that were lured to the Southside Works with public money in the first place?
Maybe they'll get to stand outside the new concert venue and listen to the music?
I wonder if this new "NorthShore" complex is going to employ Northside residents?
Major suckitude failure, American Eagle. You are the worst company in Pittsburgh right now.