Another PG Letter to the Editor for Marriage Equality
on Sat 08 Jan 2011 11:40 AM EST
The PG Community Forum is beginning to grow on me. Today, we find another pro-equality letter to the editor from Attorney Bruce Wilder of Downtown.
Short, sweet and to the point and with an affirming message for same sex parenting.
On the issue of "majorities," please note that anti-miscegenation laws were struck down by the courts at a time where neither public opinion nor legislation would have ever accomplished that goal.
The comments reflect the usual stupidity and brilliant support.
OK, I have to ask. Lots of kind grow up with Mom and Grandma, or Dad and Aunt Ruth or even Grandma and Grandpa as their primary caretakers. Setting aside the circumstances that lead these children into non-traditional families, folks rarely imply that being raised by a mother and grandmother irrevocably damage a child because of the "what do I call these two women" perspective. Yet, the myriad of homophobic slams about "which gay man is the mother" with regard to Elton John seems to actually carry weight. Does anyone ask what the children of twice divorced Madonna, mother to three children with three different fathers, call her and/or their fathers? Of course not, because its more interesting to focus on her dating life. But no one cares. Does Lola call her Mom, Mum, Mommy, Madre, Madonna, Hey You, etc? I have no idea and I've never seen it mentioned. I'd venture to say any confusion the children experience has more to do with the paparazzi and coping with any fallout from divorce, just like most children. Elton John is not a mother. He is a parent.