Pittsburgh's LGBTQ Blog ... out'n proud in the Burghosphere.

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View Article  BlogActive.com Ramps Up the Culture War

GLBT activist Mike Rogers has significantly ramped up the gay response to the culture wars with this latest posting on blogactive.com   I fully support Mike's tactics of outing the closeted hypocrites whose actions harm our community. It is not a popular opinion, but a world in which a black gay man can openly toil for Rick Santorum is a world that needs some serious bitch slapping. 


This post will be read by thousands and thousands of people... It's directed at ONE person.
Mr. Senator:

Tomorrow you will be faced with a vote that may have the longest aftereffects of any other you have cast in your Senate career.

Tomorrow you will decide if your political position is worth more than doing what is right for others like you. For others like you, Mr. Senator, who engage in oral sex with other men. (Although, Mr. Senator, most of us don't do in the bathrooms of Union Station!) Your fake marriage, by the way, will NOT protect you from the truth being told on this blog.

How does this blog decide who to report on? It's simple. We report on hypocrites. In this case, hypocrites who vote against the gay and lesbian community while engaging in gay sex themselves*.

When you cast that vote, Mr. Senator, represent your own...it's the least you could do.

Michael Rogers

View Article  PG Condemns Anti-Gay Amendment

This commonwealth doesn't need to write bigotry into its constitution in the name of misplaced morality.

This morning the Post-Gazette editors condemn the bill introduced in the PA House of Representatives that would amend the constitution to "protect marriage." 

The PG notes that the amendment's impace reaches far beyond the queer community, threatening unmarried heterosexual families including adoptive parents and senior citizens. 

They rightly criticize the homo-haters who have signed on to co-sponsor this piece of legislation:

The constitutional amendment is being offered as House Bill 2381 and, to their shame, 89 co-sponsors have signed on for a chance to do something negative at the expense of gay people, as always a safe group to pick on.

Shame is right!  Every single one of these co-sponsors has taken time away from meeting their constituents real needs in order to propagate a hate-laced agenda.  There's no justification for co-sponsoring this bill.   Especially the Democrats!  This is pure and simple pandering to the right wing base and it is going to come back to haunt them. 

They give a shout out to our friend and champion Dan Frankel for using his time constructively to address family issues. 

Two Pennsylvania residents weigh in on the the vicious discrimination underlying this legislation. 



View Article  Missy Hart Challengers Line Up Their Luminaries

From the Post-Gazette, we discover that "the Democrats' would-be challengers to Rep. Melissa Hart, R-Bradford Woods, are jockeying for the endorsements of party luminaries."

That's Melissa Hart who toes the homo-hating Republican line, amendment and all.   Melissa Hart who has an openly gay man working as her press secretary.  Blogactive.com had the story this past fall. 

So best of luck to Jason Altmire and Georgia Berner.   Berner has long-time LGBT ally Sam Hens-Greco in her camp.  No word yet from the Altmire campaign on homo-issues.  I went through Leadership Development Initiative with Jason 5 years ago.  He was a good guy and has been responsive to me when I've called on him.  But he's an avowed social conservative which doesn't bode well for Pittsburgh queers. 

Note:  please stop trying to determine if Melissa Hart is gay.  WE DON'T WANT HER. 


View Article  Why do these Western PA Democrats Hate Unmarried Heterosexuals?

Here's the list of Western PA State Representatives who have signed on as co-sponsors of the anti-gay marriage amendment.  Legislators who think that this is a valuable use of their time, time not spent on your economy or your property taxes or your health care.  Time not spent funding road repair, public transportation or workplace safety. 

I guess the only thing MORE important than queer-bashing is voting themselves a raise.  In the middle of the night. 

Your Legislators - Threatening 250,000 heterosexual families to persecute 20,000 gay families.

Don't know if one of these homo-haters is your rep?  Click here to find out.

Hon. Anthony M. DeLuca    District 23       Anthony M. DeLuca
				7205 Saltsburg Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15235
(412) 793-2448


Hon. Joseph F. Markosek    Joseph F. Markosek
				District 25Commerce Building, Suite 103
4232 Northern Pike
Monroeville, PA 15146
(412) 856-8284


Hon. Joseph A. Petrarca  District 55Joseph A. Petrarca
				239 Longfellow Street
Vandergrift, PA 15690
(724) 567-6982


Thomas A. Tangretti

Hon. Thomas A. Tangretti District 57105 Station Place
101 Ehalt Street
Greensburg, PA 15601
(724) 834-6400


Hon. Lawrence Roberts District 51 Lawrence  Roberts

31A Connellsville Street
Uniontown, PA 15401
(724) 439-2329


View Article  State Rep. Dan Frankel - A Homo's Best Friend

Dan B. Frankel

Pennsylvania State Representative Dan Frankel (D- Allegheny) released a statement on the proposed state constitutional amendment.  Frankel is a long time LGBT ally and, unlike several of his colleagues, recognizes that there are greater threats to Pennsylvania's families than homosexuals.  Things like the economy, property tax reform, education, healthy care and so forth.

You tell 'em Dan. 

Rep. Frankel Blasts Constitutional Amendment - 1/24/2006

State Rep. Dan B. Frankel

House Democratic Communications Office
Phone: 717-787-7895
Fax: 717-772-9930
Email: bturner@pahouse.net


Frankel blasts constitutional amendment
Says it would harm unmarried straight couples, including seniors

HARRISBURG, Jan. 24 - State Rep. Dan Frankel, D-Allegheny, said a state
constitutional amendment being introduced today would harm same-sex
families and unmarried opposite-sex couples, including many senior
citizens. Sponsors of the amendment say it would prevent Pennsylvania
judges from authorizing same-sex marriage.

"The sponsors of the so-called 'marriage protection' amendment are using
gay-baiting, which is bad enough, to hide a wider agenda. State law has
banned legal recognition of same-sex marriage for the past 10 years.
It's ironic that a group of mostly Republican legislators is telling
everyone not to trust Republican judges, including the
Republican-majority state Supreme Court," Frankel said.

The sweeping language of the amendment would ban civil unions and other
legal recognition of unmarried relationships. Frankel said it could
threaten the rights of adoptive parents, as well as health coverage,
medical decision-making rights and inheritance rights. The amendment
also could harm senior citizens who do not marry their partners to avoid
losing Social Security or pension benefits.

"In Ohio, a similar amendment has caused domestic violence cases with
unmarried straight victims to be thrown out - pursuing those cases was
found to be 'legal recognition' of the unmarried relationship. In
Michigan, anti-gay activists are suing to take away health coverage,
even though before the amendment passed, they said those benefits
wouldn't be threatened.

"The supporters of this amendment need to read the state Supreme Court's
2004 ruling in the Devlin case about Philadelphia's domestic-partner
registry. The court clearly stated the partnership registry was only
permitted because it is something less than and distinct from civil

"This amendment should be put aside so we can focus on bills that
actually help people, like property tax reform, raising the minimum wage
after nine years, improving our economy and our schools and making
affordable health care available to everyone.

"The federal and state constitutions should not be used to take rights
away from law-abiding citizens. Our national and state constitutions are
the bulwarks that protect the rights of all citizens."

Frankel is the lead sponsor of legislation (H.B. 1417
) that
would allow unmarried partners in same-sex or opposite-sex relationships
to make critical health decisions for one another and to visit each
other in the hospital. A 2003 poll
found 88
percent support in Pennsylvania for such legislation, and last week,
Maryland's Republican governor announced his support for a similar bill.



View Article  PA Legislators Hate Gays and Have the Amendment to Prove It

Does this look even remotely like YOUR family? 

Today, Pennsylvania legislators unveiled their plan to destroy the families of 20,000 gay and 250,000 heterosexual families.  The heterosexual families, unmarried per the 2000 Census, are the innocent victims in the homo-haters all out war on Pennsylvania's gay families.

Rep Scott W. Boyd, R-Lancaster County and Daryl Metcalfe, R-Butler County are among the prime sponsors of this proposal.

Butler County.  Here in Western Pennsylvania.  Right up the road.  A place where any unmarried heterosexual couple faces the loss of some pretty basic rights thanks to Scotty and Daryl's hatred of gays.

This could mean that women cannot seek a protection from abuse order from their boyfriends if they are not married.  See the HRC 2005 report on the impact of similar amendments in other states. 

Gay marriage is illegal in Pennsylvania.  This is a non-issue.  It is simply an attempt to rally the faithful around kicking the homos versus taking care of actual legislative business. 

Remember 250,000 heterosexual families will be caught up in this net. 

Read the ACLU response here


View Article  Homo-Good News

The other night some of my homo-friends were griping that the only "news" on LGBT issues is bad news ... discrimination, hatred, conversions, proof that Melissa Hart is gay, etc, etc, etc. 

So for all my "glass is half empty" readers .... here is some good news.  Note:  the good is one small nugget in a very sad story.  But its the best I can do without crowing once again about Brokeback Mountain.

The freeholders (fancy term for mighty whites with name plates) have reversed themselves and extended pension benefits to Stacie Andree, the partner of Lieutenant Laurel Hester.  Sadly, Laurel is dying of cancer.  She is a retired NJ detective who dedicated 24 years to her career.  But the freeholders originally said NO.  A hue and cry ensued resulting in not only the reversal for Laurel and Stacie, but statewide calls for reform to pension and death benefits throughout New Jersey.  Click here for The Big Gay Picture's history on this situation.

Hurrah for Laurel and Stacie to achive this win in the midst of a terrible loss.  And hurrah for all the homo-lovers in NJ who are working diligently to prevent this sort of injustice from ruining other lives.


View Article  Trib Columnist Condemns Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment

I missed this last week.  The Trib's Dimitri Vassilaros opined against the PA legislative attempt to constitutionalize hate and discrimination.  

Whenever a judge or legislative body in a state say that homosexuals have the same marriage rights as heterosexuals, it promotes more marriage. Denying gays and lesbians that right is anything but protecting marriage -- it's attacking it. The gays are the ones trying to protect it.

Wow ... who would have thought us homos might actually value and respect the institute of marriage?  Or that we could form lasting committed relationships based on trust, mutual respect and love?  Next thing you know, people might start getting crazy ideas about our ability successfully parent children!

Vassilaros then makes a point that in his words that every citizen should find chilling ...

The amendment would prevent a court's "finding" a constitutional right to marriage. In other words, marriage is not a right but a privilege that government may bestow to those it favors.

That's right people.  The amendment opens that ever so slippery slope toward the goverment determining which marriages are valid and which are not.  What big brother giveth, big brother taketh away. 

Ah consistency ... what a sticky wicket. 



View Article  CP's Marty Levine on Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment

In the latest City Paper, intrepid homofan Marty Levine takes a brief look at the latest political maneuvers in Harrisburg where homohaters have launched another drive to constitutionalize discrimination. 

It boils down to this

But as with all debates about gay rights, the issue seems to boil down to conservative fears about the sexuality of pets. As Geer summarizes his group?s proposal: ?No same-sex marriage. No plural marriage. Can?t marry your motorcycle or your dog or anything.?

That's Michael Geer, president of the Pennsylvania Family Institute.

This is a bad legislative idea.  Its going to hurt a quarter of a million unmarried heterosexual couples as well a a handful of gays.




View Article  Gay Republicans and Santorum Spokesfag

Homos for Santorum!   per the City Paper's rant feature.

You tell 'em Ron Pedersen Jr of North Versailles, PA

The biggest traitor of them all is Santorum Apologist and Spokesman, Robert Traynham an openly gay man who also happens to be African-American. 

Pay attention because this is what Mr. Traynham has to say about being a black conservative

Speaking at a 2003 Harvard forum on being a conservative person of color, Traynham said, ?Being black has nothing to do with my job?zero.? When confronted about supporting those who display the Confederate battle flag, he said, ?Those who are romantic about the Confederate flag, that?s our base. We need their support; this upcoming election is going to be close.?

I'm not even going to start ranting about this.  Read the City Paper rant and remember. 


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