h/t to Shakespeare's Sister for these luscious photos ....
San Paulo
And these photos from Pittsburgh's PrideFest
Tuesday, June 27
on Tue 27 Jun 2006 10:26 AM EDT
h/t to Shakespeare's Sister for these luscious photos .... San Paulo And these photos from Pittsburgh's PrideFest Sunday, June 18
on Sun 18 Jun 2006 07:24 PM EDT
Today my Dad and I enjoyed our usual Father's Day ritual of movie attendance. We caught a matinee showing of A Prairie Home Companion. We both laughed a lot which is a fine way to spend a Father' Day. The movie is hysterical, especially if you are a Garrison Keiller fan. From the movie -- What did the elephant say to the naked man? That's cute, but can you really breathe through that thing. I love my Dad. He's always willing to fix things (or at least try), likes when we take him out to new restaurants and does his very best every day to love and care for the people around him. You rock Dad! Wednesday, June 7
on Wed 07 Jun 2006 07:49 AM EDT
Actually, his personal faith in rich, white, male heterosexuality. But that's quibbling. Joseph, thanks for picking up your pen and keeping the PG readers aware of how much anti-anti-gay marriage amendment sentiment there is in Pennsylvania. Another interesting read is from Sarah H. Springer, M.D. medical director of International Adoption Health Services of Western Pennsylvania and chair of the section on adoption and foster care at the American Academy of Pediatrics. Dr. Springer believes that marriage amendments will hurt children.
She reiterates that all the scientific research shows that children of homosexual families are just as happy and well-adjusted as kids in heterosexual families. As Dr. Springer notes, amendments aren't going to suddenly cure homosexuals. We won't disappear and neither will our kids. We will be forced to exist in a second-tier status within this society which of course means so will our children. Haven't we been there already in America? In fact, aren't we still there when it comes to racial divides within society?
Fear and prejudice seem to be American specialities. With the homos attacking our marriages and the immigrants stealing our jobs and tax dollars, who has time to fear a government attacking our privacy, economy and environment? Duh! |