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View Article  More on Utah GLBT Boycott

It took a bit of poking around, but I found this call to action to boycott Larry H. Miller. 

Let the gay wrath unfold ...


View Article  Gene Shalit apologizes for gay predator comment

Today's Gene Shalit has apologized for his inflammatory review of Brokeback Mountain. 

Shalit's statement:

In reviewing the fictional movie "Brokeback Mountain", I expressed my opinion of "Jack", one of the fictional characters. It is my responsibility to my audience to present my views of the film and the actions of the film's fictional characters. My view of "Jack" may be contrary to the views of others, but we are all entitled to our opinions.

In describing the behavior of "Jack" I used words ("sexual predator") that I now discover have angered, agitated, and hurt many people. I did not intend to use a word that many in the gay community consider incendiary. Baron Lytton wrote in 1839 that "the pen is mightier than the sword," and this matter proves again how hurtful words can be. I very much regret using them.

The GLAAD website carried an assertion that instead of reviewing "Brokeback Mountain", which is my job, I "used the occasion to promote defamatory anti-gay prejudice to a national audience." This is untrue. It is unfair to me and must be corrected. Everything in my life and in my family's life demonstrates beyond doubt that I am not homophobic. Indeed, the contrary is true, and everyone who knows me knows it.

I certainly had no intention of casting aspersions on anyone in the gay community or on the community itself. I regret any emotional hurt that may have resulted from my review of "Brokeback Mountain."

Everyone is happy.  Now GLAAD is asking people to thank Gene Shalit for apologizing.  That's getting a little bit out of hand.  Like sending a thank you note for a thank you note ... He apologized.  Let's move on to the bigger fish, like the AFA ...



View Article  Utah Gays Call Boycott Over 'Brokeback Mountain' Ban

More from 365gay.com .... the Utah Gays calling for boycott over Brokeback Mountain. 

I'm not exactly what this means other than not going to the theatre that isn't showing the movie you want to see anyway. 

More later.


View Article  Homo Haters Target Ford ... Again

Tonight from 365gay.com comes this

In a thinly veiled threat of another boycott the American Family Association and 41 other groups are demanding that Ford live up to a commitment to end funding to LGBT organizations and cease advertising in the gay media.

But it seems the AFA has learned a lesson from their first attempt ...

While letter does not specifically threaten the carmaker with a boycott it says, "We can not, and will not, sit by as Ford supports a social agenda aimed at the destruction of the family."

The letter also imposes a January 20 for a reply. "Should you decide to respond, please do so by letter since we can no longer trust Ford to keep its verbal word," the letter concludes.

So let's get this straight (ha).  The AFA threatens a boycott, Ford caves in so the AFA declares victory.  Then, the gays come to the table and Ford agrees to continue advertising in the gay media. 

BUT just when you think it all makes sense .... comes this ...

(New York City) Two more stations have cancelled NBC's "The Book of Daniel" bringing the total to four. 

KAMR-TV in Amarillo, Texas, and WTVA-TV in Tupelo, Mississippi each said they were bowing to community demands to drop the series which features one of primetime's few openly gay male characters, has a lesbian supporting character and is written by a gay screenwriter.

No wonder the AFA refuses to give up.  Its working!  4 whole television stations have demonstrated that censorship, intolerance and capitulation are their guiding principles. 

Hurrah for the homophobes! 





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