Pittsburgh's LGBTQ Blog ... out'n proud in the Burghosphere.

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View Article  What does Rick "Frothy" Santorum think?

Gary at American Agenda is not happy about the latest attempt to constitutionalize homophobia in Pennsylvania.  (I love the Frothy reference)

Go here to sign the petition to stop the anti-gay marriage amendment.

View Article  City Paper Review of Brokeback Mountain

There is nothing to add.  The movie opens Friday at Loews and The Manor theaters.  From the City Paper

Brokeback ...   more »

View Article  How Many Costas are there?

Can ANYONE tell me exactly how many Costas roam these hills?  Every time I turn around, I see reference to yet another Costa kin either holding some obscure office or being appointed to something. 

Guy Costa should just be hired by KDKA since he gets almost as much airtime as pretty boy Jeff Verszyla.  Given that it might snow this weekend, I'm sure we'll see Guy tomorrow night. 

Seriously, how many are there?


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