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View Article  Nashville's NBC Affiliate Succumbs to HomoHaters over Book of Daniel

From 365gay.com, I discover that yet another Bible Belt NBC affiliate has capitulated to the right-wing hate regarding homosexuality and cancelled the Book of Daniel. 

According to WSMV mangement, they received over 137 complaints via telephone, email and postal mail.  And apparently the independent nature of the 137 responses caught their attention

"Over the years, other shows have generated as much or more reaction, but this wasn't a cut-and-paste reaction where a national group says, 'Please send an e-mail to your station' and every e-mail is the same," Hale said. "These were individually crafted, considered, well-thought, well-reasoned e-mails and phone calls."

137 hate-mongering bigots made an impact of this significance in a city the size of Nashville.  According to General Manager Elden Hale "viewers objected to the language, the sexual content and the portrayal of Jesus, who appears to Quinn's character for regular chats." 

Hmmm.  When I caught the show last week, Jesus pretty much came across like every photo I've ever seen in American Christian Churches - 30ish, long haired white robe wearing white guy.  He didn't appear the slightest Aramaic, spoke very fluent English and was overall pretty reputable in appearance.  Perhaps because he wasn't spewing condemnation about all their sins, instead offering a message of compassion and hope.  How anti-Christian!

It almost seems like the right-wing whackos are picking television stations off one by one.  Book of Daniel did very well in the ratings, leaving me to wonder if someone can scrounge up 138 Nashvillians who actually watched the show? 

If you are in the Pittsburgh viewing audience, contact WPXI and thank them for letting viewers make our own choices about which programs we watch and for airing a quality entertaining television program. 

11 Television Hill
Pittsburgh, PA 15214
Phone: (412) 237-1100
By email, visit http://www.wpxi.com/station/1906729/detail.html



View Article  Hens-Greco named Campaign Field Director for Berner

Sam Hens-Greco named Campaign Field Director for Democratic Congressional Candidate Georgia Berner.

I'm not aware of Ms. Berner's position on LGBT issues but I'm going to find out.  Her opponent in the primary, Jason Altmire, is prolife which of course opens the door to the concept of a right to privacy inherent in many LGBT protections.

Not to mention that a women's right to reproductive choices will already be under siege with the appointment of Justice Scalito. 

We are already putting our hope in one anti-choice candidate (Casey) so I'm not comfortable putting my weight behind another. 

I like Sam's style and I'm a big fan of Kathryn Hens-Greco.  She's a former social worker which gives me faith she will serve our community well. 


----- Original Message -----

Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2006 9:14 AM
Subject: One Final Thank You & News About A New CampaignPS:   SO WHAT'S NEXT?

Many of you have expressed your genuine concern about how I was going to adjust to Kathryn leaving our law practice. 

And many of you have expressed your encouragement that I should continue to be involved in political organizing. 

While many have just said "that was fun, but what's next ?"

Well, if you are ready, I'm ready. 

Here we go.

I am very glad to announce that I will be working as the Campaign Field Director for Democratic Congressional Candidate Georgia Berner.     

Georgia Berner is a Lawrence County business women running for Congress in the 4th Congressional District, the seat currently held by Melissa Hart.  (The district includes all of Beaver and Lawrence County, the northern and some of the eastern tier of Allegheny County and a little bit of Butler, Mercer and Westmoreland County.)

I met Georgia and her husband Jim on the campaign trail this fall and I like them.   I like Georgia's politics and I like her as a person.  Georgia has the wisdom of a woman that has experienced deeply challenging times and understands the human emotions and frailties. Georgia is deeply concerned about the plight of our nation, this region and its people and wants to change the direction and the tone of the discussion.  (www.georgiaberner.com)

     Georgia's life story is also quite impressive. 

About twenty years ago, Georgia's life changed overnight and she was forced to face life with a new reality.  In April 1984, Georgia's husband died in a plane crash. At that time, Georgia's four children ranged in ages from 9 and 16. 

Along with the tremendous responsibility of raising her family, Georgia also had the obligation to determine the future of their manufacturing business in New Castle.  Despite no formal business background, Georgia decided to go to work at Berner International.

Since that time, Georgia has lead Berner International through a period of tremendous growth. The workforce expanded from 17 to 62, the revenues increased and they built a new building.  But what has been truly remarkable was that this growth was done while also maintaining and expanding the benefits to the Berner employees.  Georgia has been widely recognized for her innovative leadership in balancing both the management and labor interests at Berner. 
My role will be to help manage the campaign as the Campaign Field Director and Senior Advisor.  Georgia is committed to devoting a significant portion of her time and energy to ensuring that her campaign is a grassroots campaign and I am ready to help.
       So, guess what? 

I would like to know if you would like to help (That's a big a surprise !! ) 
       There are many a chore and duty that are calling.

You might want to attend a coffee to meet Georgia or you might want to just jump right in and host one yourself.

We have lots of letters to be stuffed and calls to be made. 

Or maybe you want to take a breather for now but you just can't wait to be a
Poll Worker on May 16th?

Feeling real frisky and want to contribute? The campaign's website has an online feature. www.georgiaberner.com

Seriously, I would be overwhelmed with appreciation if you would consider supporting and helping with Georgia's campaign. My goal is to bring the same (well almost the same) energy, focus and dedication to this campaign as I did to Kathryn's campaign. 

Please let me know if you are interested.

Thanks again

View Article  The Boondocks on Gay Marriage


I am a regular read of The Boondocks strip in the PG, but I must confess that I am often confounded.  I get the feeling that I'm definitely not "in" on the real humorous element and/or the real spin on the issue.  But I suppose that is how any white middle class lesbian would feel -- the whole point is that I don't really get it, good intentions or not.

My take on the recent gay-marriage Boondocks strips is that he's at the older generation's discomfort with gay issues while acknowleding that its just not as big a deal with younger African-Americans.  Overly simplistic? 

The relationship between the gay community and the African-American community is fraught with complications.  In my mind, gay rights are civil rights.  I'm clearly a second class citizen in our society even as a white middle class woman.  I don't have access to the basic civil institute of marriage. 

Homophobia cannot be justified because it emanates from another disenfranchised group.  But the same must be said for racism.  I hear a lot of my sisters and brothers in the LGBT community bitching this, but then turn around and wonder why "they" don't come to local LGBT events.  And have no friggin clue what they are saying. 

We need to stop and think about the impact marriage discimination is going to have on more than just middle class yuppie queers.  I see a lot of women, black and white, every single day who aren't in traditional marraiges and have to wonder what will happen to their families if we continue our path back to the glory days of breeder marriages.  Maybe these are some of the questions the LGBT community should be tackling and building bridges over rather than focusing on our own middle class issues. 

HouseBlend has some terrific stuff on this and has been following the upcoming black church summit on gay and lesbian rights.



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