Pittsburgh's LGBTQ Blog ... out'n proud in the Burghosphere.

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View Article  Check out Pgh's Queer Cabaret - K'Vetch

> K'Vetch is home from the holidays.... and more lovely local and
> talented than ever.
> Two features below followed by an open-mic....

Thursday January 26, 2006  at 8:00 p.m.

$5/Free for writers
 Modernformations 4919 Penn Ave
> Sensual lyrics of life and love connect the audience to Gina Marie Mignogna's poetry. An honest response to a female perspective of  society, mother nature and human connectedness. Mindfulness and compassion translated as poetry.
> Gina Marie Mignogna- Graduate Univ. of Pgh Poetry Writing/Women's  Studies Pgh City Paper Easy Street Promotions
> Recently moved to the steel city from North Carolina. Meghan takes traditional folk and blues and gives them untraditional meaning.
> Meghan Simoneaux- Punk folk lesbian musician who is disarmingly charming.
> For more info e-mail

I haven't been yet but all reports have been good.  There's definitely things to do in Pittsburgh's LGBT community if you just look for them.


View Article  PG Review of Brokeback Mountain

From today's paper.  My favorite lines

Having seen "Brokeback Mountain," I can promise you two things: It's not a social contagion planted on the screen to infect America's youth, and the water-cooler comics who've been making all those gay-cowboy jokes without seeing the film are going to look really stupid on Monday morning.

View Article  LGBT Town Meeting on January 18: Marriage Amendment
Received this today from Steel City Stonewall Democrats
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2006 9:51 PM
Subject: Town Meeting: PA Constitutional Amendment
An amendment to the PA constitution has been proposed that would both limit marriage to one man and one woman and deny all unmarried partners a status "substantially equivalent" to marriage. The purpose of this meeting is to present what we currently know to the community, and begin to organize to defeat this amendment.

When: January 18, 2006
Where: GLCC in Squirrel Hill
Time: 7PM

Prior to this meeting, we urge interested people to take any or all of the following actions:
1) sign the petitions against the amendment being circulated by several volunteers or online at

2) call your state legislator and urge them to *not* cosponsor the amendment. You can find the name and contact information for your legislator at http://www.legis.state.pa.us/

3) set up a visit with your legislator in his/her home office. Information on setting up a visit with your legislator can be found at http://www.center4civilrights.org/news/docs/set_up_meeting.doc

This meeting is organized by Steel City Stonewall Democrats, working with the ACLU of PA, the Center for Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights, and the Value All Families Coalition.
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