I found this while browsing the Post-Gazette website. Since the writer LA Johnson does A LOT of homosexual themed stories, I am presuming that the Post-Gazette was being clumsy by using "spouses" instead of "partners" I could be wrong but hey -- let's give it a shot anyway .... all you homo spouses who fit this bill, give 'em a call.
Seeking Your Help: Spouses and friends
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Do you and your spouse have mostly couples as friends or do you and your spouse have separate, individual friends? Has it changed over time? What works well for you? What are some of the pitfalls? If you're interested in discussing this topic for a future story, contact L.A. Johnson at Ljohnson@post-gazette.com or 412-263-3903. Be sure to leave your name and day-time phone number.