Shame on the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette! You have dropped the ball by failing to once again keep your readers informed of the slightest allusion to homosexuality in contemporary movies. What the hell kind of bastion of morality are you folks running over there?
David A. Smith of McMurray read a Post-Gazette movie review and dutifully loaded up the spawn for a night out at the movies. He was horrified - appalled even -- to see man-kissing!
Absolutely nothing was mentioned about the gay relationship of the French driver or the full extended lip-to-lip kiss between Will and the French guy. We had to get up and leave. Don't you think family film reviews should share this info with the parents?
Having yet to see the movie (love John C. Reilly myself), I can only speculate as to the nature of the "lip-to-lip" kiss BUT I'm guessing Will Ferrel's character ain't gay and the scene is played for one of those "uh oh" moment laughs. Just my hunch. There is probably a world of difference between this man kiss and, say, the tent scene in Brokeback Mountain. I could be wrong.
Regardless, David A. Smith of McMurray is a full out hate-wielding, homo-loathing, child-perverting bigot. Oh, I'm sure he comes across as a nice enough guy who just wishes the homos would crawl under some rocks rather than actually signing us up for the reeducation camps. He probably doesn't keep a picture of a fetus on his desktop, but he may be attending the upcoming Focus on the Family rally.
But his self-righteous indignation is a load of crap for two reasons.
First of all, the Post-Gazette is not responsible for full-disclosure on potential homoerotic content in movies. In spite of what Ruth Ann Dailey might think. If you want someone to filter out the movies with gay content, surf on over to one of the wingnut websites where you can get your fill of rants on the downfall of contemporary culture. Even the Pittsburgh Catholic has movie reviews.
Second, you are a stupid hypocrit for moaning about a quasi-gay kiss when the paper DID clearly indicate that there is sexualized content in the movie
Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby
Rating: PG-13 for crude and sexual humor, language, drug references and comic violence.
Starring: Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly.
Director: Adam McKay.
Web site:
/movies/talladeganightsFamily Film Guide: 'Talladega Nights'
Crude and sexual humor. Language, Drug References. So that's all okay viewing for the fruit of your loins, but one kiss is not. Guess what dude? Let's put your high-horse right back in the stable where it belongs because you have no legs to stand on. You are the one choosing to expose your family to adult content so you need to take responsibility for your parenting choices instead of blaming the local newspaper.
What an idiot!