I'm in the middle of the desert struggling to reconcile time zones and this is not the best way to begin a morning ...

These women are poised to be the next generation of leaders in their fields?whether it's sports, business, finance, politics or the arts. In their own words, they tell how they got where they are and where they hope to go next.

This is from Newsweek. The fourth woman profiled?  Mary Cheney - Queen Lesbian Bitch of the Bush Apologists.   Here's some pearls of wisdom on her "career" as a political campaigner ...

Every political campaign, especially at the national level, is an emotional roller coaster. There are moments that are simply incredible?holding a rally with 10,000 cheering people at midnight in Honolulu, watching my dad win the vice presidential debate and holding the Bible while he took the oath of office.

Mary appears to conveniently sidestep the fact that the Bible her father rode to the Vice Presidency is the very same weapon that's beating her entire community down on a daily basis in these hallowed United States.  Not to mention that her father did not win that debate ... but why let facts get in the way of continuing to leverage Daddy's power for your self-promotion? 

Leader?  She worked for her Daddy, she wrote a book that no one bought and she is the most boring talk radio guest I've ever heard.  What the hell kind of leadership is that?  If this is Newsweek's idea of including the LGBTQ community, I'm definitely glad we switched to Time magazine.

On a bright note, they also profile Queen Latifah. 

h/t Pam's House Blend