My name is Sue Kerr and I plan to keep on blogging.  I know, I know.  This comes as a great shock and will undoubtably send tidal waves plowing through the Burghosphere.  Epic poems will be composed by the likes of Tony Norman, Sally Kalson and Mike Seate.  Mighty political entities will tremble in their offices at the implications that an average of 100 people a day, mostly bloggers, will read my opinion on their doings. They will continue to ignore my requests for comment. The continuation of the blogosphere as we know it bodes well for Pittsburgh.   People with hip monikers like David, Maria, Bram, and Christopher (and Potter) will get their own tee shirt lines and maybe some stickers, too.  Gatherings of powerful bloggers in the secret recesses of Finnegan's Wake will plan conquests and strategize the takeover of the MSM. 

And some day, the Cutting Edge will remember that a lack of pseudonyms does not make for a lack of interesting and relevant local blogging.