Meeting Minutes from Allegheny County Council Hearing on Non-Discrimination Ordinance
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Re: Meeting Minutes from Allegheny County Council Hearing on Non-Discrimination Ordinance
on Sat 07 Feb 2009 10:36 AM EST | Profile | Permanent Link
I have SSAD: Seriously Sexual Attraction to Dykes...
How people like this are even credible anymore is beyond me. Actually, not beyond me at all, just disappointing to me. People are much more likely to believe someone who looks like them, talks like them... So this Dr. Carroll, I'm sure, has an adorable old-man belly, receded hair line, yinzer accent, and has a long history of involvement at church and in his community. These are the people we need on our side. That's why it's my personal belief that those of us who can, MUST come out to everyone we know, and be sure never to apologize for our sexual or gender orientation, and always to answer even absurd questions in a thoughtful and productive way. We should bring up LGBT news in non-gay settings and discuss the politics of being gay with our gay and straight friends and associates. Yes, the three no-nos- sex, religion, and politics- are precisely the dinner table conversations we should be having. There's not a rising syphilis epidemic because men have sex with men; it's because we don't talk about sexual health enough, including the impact of discrimination on mental health and the resulting risk-taking behaviors. I hope the testimony below makes your blood boil just a little. Enough maybe to call a representative and tell him what you think, or actually confront the next person you hear say "that's so gay." (Unless it is, in fact, so gay.) Cheers! DR. CARROLL: Thank you. My name is Robert Carroll. I am a retired medical doctor. I live at------- (I'm with you on the home addresses ban, Sue). I practiced general and internal medicine in this area for 46 years. My comments will be limited to medical concerns. SSAD, same sex attraction disorder, is indeed a disorder. A person who is not disordered in some way will not experience high rates of alcohol abuse, attempted suicide, promiscuous relationships or engage in self-destructive sexual behavior that places a person at high risk of acquiring an incurable sexually transmitted disease or HIV/AIDS. Same sex attraction disorder is not inherited. It is not present at birth. It is not a static or unchangeable condition. It is treatable and preventable. A large number of respected psychiatrists and psychologists are today successfully treating victims of same sex attraction disorder. A recent study of 200 homosexuals who had sought help found that following therapy, 64 percent of the men and 43 percent of the women described themselves as heterosexual. I had an older brother who was a very prominent psychoanalyst. In fact, he was one of my professors in medical school. I asked him one time about his experience with homosexuals. He replied that he had great success in changing the orientation of those who desired change. There are over 1,000,000 Americans infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, and 25 percent of them are unaware of it. MRSA, Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus infections, are 13 times more frequent among homosexuals. Syphilis is increasing nationally and in Pennsylvania. This was ascribed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health to men having sex with men. The United States is now experiencing more than 15,000,000 new sexually-transmitted diseases annually. These infections are disproportionately high among homosexuals. Diseases are becoming more and more drug-resistant. The gay community is not innocuous. It presents a real and present danger to the health of our society. Vote no on this bill. |