Pittsburgh's LGBTQ Blog ... out'n proud in the Burghosphere.

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I'm going back to anonymous comments because it is a bit cumbersome to register and post a comment. 

Let's try to act with some maturity.  You can still use your real name.  There are two or three people who post repeatedly and it is obvious who they are.  Don't ruin it for everyone.  Say what you will, but if you are going to go to the hatefest, have the decency to put your name on the comment. 

Plus, when those offers of free trials + prizes for readers come in ... if you are anonymous, it won't work! 

Come on, Dozen Bakeshop, ... now is the time to get a glorious pre-xmas review.  :-)

View Article  Being "Other"

It really sucks when someone bluntly tells you that you aren't part of the group.  I had this happen yesterday when someone didn't like a piece I wrote and told me that I was not part of their group because I didn't participate enough, nothing personal.  Ha.

That person clearly doesn't read my blog, because I write about "their" issues quite a bit.  I promote their specific group as well as the larger issues.  I ferret out pertinent legislation and advocacy information which I then pass along.  I try to stay on top of these issues, even when they aren't sexy enough to hit the radar of the advocacy groups.  I participate in blog swarms on their issues because I believe in them and I believe they are undervalued in our community. 

I do my part and I resent being isolated because I'm a non-traditional member. 

Guess what?  If we want the mainstream heteronormative society to accept "us" then we need to do a better job accepting each other. 

I'm waiting for the apology. 

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