Pittsburgh's LGBTQ Blog ... out'n proud in the Burghosphere.

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View Article  Of Bloomfield and bases ... courtesy of the City Paper

Lots of LGBTQ love from the City Paper.

I know the man called Potter loves a letter to the editor and he has one today from Steel City Stonewall President, Dana Elmendorf.  She believes the paper unfairly described Onorato's LGBTQ support.  Potter disagrees. Go read for yourself.

Speaking of Bloomfield, the City Paper provided coverage of a LGBTQ rally against gay bashing. They have an excellent quote on the realities many queer people face from one of our favorite dykes, Eli Kuti.

Some people just don't blend in or can't blend in," says Eli Kuti, organizer of the city's Dyke March. "You should be able to walk down the street and feel safe."

But some don't, she says, in part because they feel they can't turn to police for incidents of anti-LGBT or domestic violence because "they aren't taken seriously." Those concerns lead to victims not filing police reports, she says.

Kuti acknowledges "many cops don't have prejudices and just don't know what to do."

But still, the victim's fear of reporting crimes, she observes, sometimes outweighs the risk of it happening to someone else. 

I hope someone moves us from talking about talking with the police to making it happen.  People don't want there to be gay bashing.  Most cops agree.  It shouldn't be 2010 and we are still looking for a mechanism to make these conversations happen. 

Somewhere in between the anger and the power, there lies the ability to generate change.

It is going to take one hell of a leader.


View Article  Stop recruiting me.

I don't like being told what to do. 

I support Joe Hoeffel and I think an impressive turnout from the progressive base will help Sestak AND send a message that we are a force.  I get that there are progressives who support other candidates and believe sincerely they are doing the right thing.  Which they are.  For them.

Regardless of the outcome, my admiration and respect for Joe as a statewide leader will not diminish.  I'm not that kind of progressive.

I get that we have to hit the ground running on May 19 to ensure Corbett doesn't become the Governor, but you aren't going to win me over by pounding that in my head.  I'm stubborn.  And I have enough common sense that if Joe wins, I will be incredibly happy but not expect you to embrace him right off the bat.

I think the entire state is best served by a progressive candidate like Joe ... not just on social issues, but as a womb owning lesbian ... those issues matter. I've also connected the dots from social issues to economic issues a thousand times.  I want to control my body and my future. 

Regardless of the outcomes, progressive of all stripes will be part of the momentum toward November.  Let's be adult enough to recognize the consensus is the tool, not demands.  I honestly think Sestak changes the game and I'm really intrigued to see what shakes out. 

I'm not retreating from my positions. Someone told me I've been hard on Onorato.  I believe my opinions are based on his voting record and certainly do not stem from personal animosity -- I've never met him in person.  It is my job to advocate for the candidate that will best serve my community -- my queer community and my community of women and my community of working and lower rung folks.  That's doesn't make me mean, just insistent.

I invite all comers to continue the dialogue.  I hope I've convinced you to vote and I appreciate the feedback that one lesbian can make an impact by simply refusing to be silenced.  We need more LGBTQ voices to engage the system, not duck underneath it.  That helps no one. 

Holding elected leaders accountable is part of our job as advocates and activists. I hope Get Equal rolls into Pittsburgh and generates the connection between the queer community through the power of activism.  Rest assured, we have battles left to fight.  We have meetings with waffling legislators, but maybe we have a need for direct action as well.  Maybe we need to sit in Joe Markosek's office instead of fruitlessly trying to get a meeting.

Marriage?  Posh, let's be realistic.  I want to preserve my job (HB 300), deal with bigots who hate on us (Hate Crimes), eliminate unfair taxes that keep me financially oppressed (Domestic Partner Equality Act) and protect LGBTQ kids (Foster Care Bill of Rights).  Marriage equality could do a lot of that, tis true. 

But I'm a realist.  I wish to God Senator Daylin Leach was using his considerable skills to champion a Senate companion bill to HB 300.  We need to freakin figure that dynamic out.

Enough for tonight. Vote. 





View Article  Don't we all have a Kevin from Kindergarten?
View Article  I made the list ...

I don't know what the list means, but I'm connected to Bruce Kraus so it must be good. 

I also received my Lesbian of the Year award in the mail.  Now I have to figure out where to hang it ...

View Article  Celebrate Life, Celebrate Art - part deux

I took a stroll around the auction. I'm awed by some of the artwork. A painting called "Dell's" caught my eye, but I didn't catch who created it. 

I think Persad is awsome and amazing. I donate to them through the United Way each year.  I refer many, many people there for all sorts of services.

Things are quiet here right now.  People are mingling, enjoying the entertainment and bidding away on the art. 

This event supports the organizations "Free Care Fund" which serves people in our community who couldn't otherwise access these services.  Since you know LGBTQ folks are disproportionately represented among the uninsured ...good thing this event has raised more than $3 million over the past twenty years.

That's a lot of $200 bids.


View Article  Celebrate Life, Celebrate Art Begins

For the second year in a row, we are live blogging from Celebrate Life, Celebrate Art -- Persad's annual art auction and reception.  This is the final year the event will be held at the Carnegie Museum of Art in Oakland due to renovations at the museum. 

Next year they may be at the August Wilson Center, according to inside sources.  That would be very cool.  And closer to my house.

More than 200 artists have donated.  More than 1800 guests are expected.

And @Ledcat is tweeting. 

Hold on. 

View Article  Dyke March 2010 - Update

Just made my first visit to Police HQ. They have a silly little machine to gain entrance and not-so-loveable curmudgeon at the gate.  He started the hell out of me by looming over while I was waiting for someone -- anyone -- to answer my button pushing.  Not a good start. I almost dropped by Blackberry and that would have been a problem.

But the permit for the Dyke March is notarized and submitted.  The route has been changed to Bloomfield which is very appropriate as a response to the recent gay bashings.  I've spoken with Mayor Ravenstahl's team so I anticipate little problem getting things formalized.  Hopefully, it will all be sewn up by Friday.

Kudos the Mayor's LGBT Advisory Committee for intervening to ensure all community events are treated fairly.

View Article  Kagan for Supreme Court - Stood Up for LGBTQ rights against DADT

President Obama will today nominate Elena Kagan to fill the impending vacancy on the Supreme Court.

She has a bit of history with DADT that's worth reading about.

More later.

View Article  Another reminder why I do this ...

It was nice to post "hey, I got an award" yesterday, but when I took a peek through the google searches I had a humbling reminder LGBT blogs are important  ...

"lesbian support in Pittsburgh"

"help for runaway gay kids"

"lesbian support groups"

"make lesbian friends in Pittsburgh"

"gay partner abuse"

I hope they found answers.

View Article  I got an award! "Lesbian of the Year"

I was tremendously tickled to learn that the readers of the Keystone Alliance/Gaylife Newsletter have voted me "Lesbian of the Year" for 2010.  I am in the company of my great colleagues and friends, including:


So who are these fine folks?

Together, The Keystone Alliance/GayLife Newsletter is a Multi-State, National Gay Organization. We raise money for charity, provide monthly support meetings and educational events, and write editorials in various local newspapers. We stand up for those who need protection and equal rights in our community.

It is flattering to be recognized in any form, be it someone calling me out on their blog to readers of a newsletter.  You may bust my chops, but at least you are paying attention, right? 

It does get a little interesting. 

Is your head spinning?  Did you ever expect to read Sue Kerr and John Eichelberger receiving awards from the same organization?  Read here for more details on how Senator Eichelberger earned this honor (it is not in jest).

Again, in all seriousness, it really is very nice to be acknowledged by other commnity advocates.  I am honored.

Thank you.

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