Pittsburgh's LGBTQ Blog ... out'n proud in the Burghosphere.

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View Article  The Rally



Scary stuff. 

View Article  Pennsylvania changes gender ID policy

This is good news.

Under PennDOT's old policy, to change the gender on their licenses or state ID cards, people had to prove they had sexual reassignment surgery. The new policy that is effective immediately doesn't require proof of surgery. It does allow a change in gender on the licenses if people are living full-time in the new gender and it is verified by a licensed medical or psychological caregiver or social worker "whose practice includes helping people with gender identity issues."

Change. It does happen.  Even in Pennsylvania. 

View Article  I was felled by a twinkie

I have a new obsession. It is getting healthy. I've been using the Wii Fit Plus and a website http://www.sparkpeople.com to improve my fitness, nutrition and overall well-being.  The results have been great so far.

- no soda/pop since May (with the occasional ginger ale if my stomach is icky)

- I've lost 29 pounds

- I've consistently exercised 3-4 times per week and have graduated to a new Wii program, EA Sports Active that is REALLY HARD

- I have been very good about drinking 8 glasses of water a day

- I have faced down all sorts of temptations and managed pretty well.  Except for the twinkie, but I got right back on the horse. 

Change is difficult, but so rewarding.  Change also means sacrifices of time.  Hence, the lack of blogging.  Well, that's only partially true.  Yes, I have less time, but I have also enjoyed the break.  It has been like a mental health release to not be locked into a singular identity for a few months.  I admit that I created my own situation and I'm really proud of what we've accomplished, but this blog has taken a hard turn toward all politics, all the time which isn't a real reflection of who I am.

I'm certainly not going to stop blogging, but I am going to blog differently. I guess you'll have to tune in to see what that means. 

Now I'm off to read a book and relax before bed. I have to prepare myself to ache tomorrow when today's new workout kicks in.  Ouch.



View Article  Parking what?

I have no idea what to say about the parking debacle.  We were out of town for awhile and I am completely out of the loop except for Peduto's tweets.  I'm speculating that I agree more with Bill than I do with Luke, but I have to admit that with Ledcat as a City employee -- I'm concerned about pension stability. So I guess I have some reading to do.

I haven't heard much about local action on LGBT issues.  No word on domestic partner benefits. I know that every time I bring up the fact that Onorato hasn't done anything about this I single handedly contribute to the downfall of the Democratic party in Pennsylvania, but still ... gay people deserve health care for their families.  No word from the Mayor's Advisory Council, but I'm okay with that because they did help with the Dyke March. 

I understand there might be some sort of PrideFest Conference here in 2011.  That's good news. 

Any thoughts from your end? 

View Article  PG on Marriage Equality
Go read.
View Article  Stuff I Missed

Rob Rogers has a great cartoon on the recent pro-marriage equality court ruling.

Not up to date on the California ruling?  The Trib reprints a nice piece from the Washington Post on the ruling. This could end up at the Supreme Court level, but for now its nice to enjoy a victory.  The Trib also agrees with the ruling, at least their editorial board does.

Elsewhere, the National Organization for Marriage has been holding rallies (ahem -- 25 people attending) to support their cause againt marriage equality. Counter protests drawing dozens and sometimes hundreds of pro-equality advocates have been popping up at every site.  NOM has responded by labeling the counterprotestors as violent. 

NOM is coming to Harrisburg and Equality PA is not planning to counter protest and urging Pennsylvania advocates to avoid that tactic as well. 

The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) kicked off their "One Man, One Woman" tour on July 14th. At each stop where there have been counter protests or attendance by pro-equality supporters, they have disrespected or mocked them and attempted to provoke them into screaming or yelling. Their goal in doing this is to make our side look foolish and hostile. We have also seen that they like to play a numbers game where if we have even a few less attendees than at their event, they will claim that the momentum is moving in their direction. We know from the recent polling numbers and the pathetic turnout their rallies have been recording, that this simply isn't the case.

We are working hard to advance equality and will continue to do so long after they leave town. While we may be upset by their rhetoric, we can't get caught up in retaliation when we need to remain focused on what needs to get done to win! Putting our energy into showing up at their event does not help to move us forward. What will help to advance equality in Pennsylvania is if we use them coming to town as an excuse to mobilize local activists and build our network.

So after NOM finishes their ranting and heads to the next town, we will be out there getting it done! We are holding a terrific event in Harrisburg on August 12, the night before they arrive, around a special showing of the movie "Stonewall Uprising" with a panel on youth activism afterward. We encourage everyone who can, to attend.

Click here for more information!

Not only is this a great movie, but this public conversation will increase our network and identify new volunteers and supporters. Please do what you can...attend, make a donation or just plain follow our activities. But please, ignore NOM when they come to town and don't interact. Attention is exactly what they want, and why should honest people who hold equality close to their hearts be tricked into supporting their sad little charade.


Again, Pam's House Blend for some analysis.  What are your thoughts? I personally understand their decision to stay focused on the issues near and dear and, frankly, possible to achieve ... HB 300, for example.  Still, Pennsylvania is decidedly lacking in activism. So many shun that identity in favor of the more palatable term advocate.  I'm a huge fan of advocacy, but as I've said repeatedly ... we are missing this critical link. 

Enough for now.


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