Pittsburgh's LGBTQ Blog ... out'n proud in the Burghosphere.

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View Article  Things You May Have Missed ...

Gay Activism and Government Crackdowns Live On in Russia.

The GLCC has a new movie night. $2.  Popcorn.  More info here.

More debate on the impending promised vote to repeal DADT.  Some, like Pam Spaulding, aren't buying it.  Others fear it may be the last chance to do anything before we lose the Congress to the Republicans.  I'm sort of the the Dems aren't doing such a hot job anyway mentality.  Which I know according to some makes me the enemy.  But I didn't fail. I rallied the troops for over four years. I laid out background information and contact information and general information.  Don't bring the "if you aren't with us, you are against us" aka social conservative Democrat position crap to me. 

The pissing contest about who gets credit for this potential vote is pretty funny.  Lady Gaga staged a PR bonanza (wearing meat nonetheless) at the VMA awards with a powerful statement for the repeal of DADT then "exchanged tweets with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid" ... for God's sake.  Let's just make some calls.  Casey and Specter are on board as of my last peek. 

That's it for tonight.  Flexing the blogging muscles takes some time ... and there's so much to digest ... new City websites, parking plans, preservation debacles, the failure to remove the tree stump in front of my house and on and on and on. 

View Article  Maybe the Post-Gazette should send Tony Norman to HTML camp ...

For the sake of all that's holy and good about Pittsburgh, can someone from CMU please go down to the Post-Gazette and fix their damn search engine?  Try searching for "gay" and see all the 2009 articles that come up at the top even when you sort by date.  The fine writers and editors have offered up some wonderful pieces over the years, many since 2009.

This frustrates me to no end b/c I literally have to read the paper cover to cover every day to catch LGBT news and sometimes that isn't possible.  Plus, it is very difficult to find older stories.

Maybe we should start a "Chip In" to pay for technical support for the PG?

View Article  The Homo Threat to Critical Infrastructure ...

could jokingly refer to bad interior design choices or the election of pro-gay elected officials.

Here's what it apparently means to the Rendell Administration:

Gov. Ed Rendell has terminated what he called a horribly misguided state contract with a Philadelphia firm that led to wrongful and improper reports being disseminated about environmental groups, tax protesters, people at gay and lesbian rallies and even supporters of more funding for education.

At a news conference Tuesday evening, Mr. Rendell said he hadn't known until Tuesday about a one-year, $125,000 contract between the state Office of Homeland Security and the Institute of Terrorism Research and Response.

"I am appalled that this contract was entered into without my knowledge," he said. "I am appalled that information was disseminated about groups that were exercising their constitutional right to free speech and to protest. They shouldn't be on any list [of possible security threats]. This is extraordinarily embarrassing."

The contract started last October and was due to expire next month. Its original purpose was to inform state police and homeland security officials about "credible threats to critical infrastructure" around the state, meaning potential attempts by terrorists to destroy roads, bridges, buildings, power facilities or other important facilities.

Rest assured, Pgh queers, because apparently our PrideFest isn't as exciting as Washington County Marcellus Shale meetings or anything homo-Philly flavored. 

It should make you think twice about our slavish loyalty to the status quo folks. Sigh.



View Article  Anonymous Commenters

Oh for God's sake. Just go find another sandbox in which to play. "Dumbest post" indeed.  I've written more dumb posts than you can shake a stick at, sir! And my name is proudly affixed to each one ...

View Article  Marcellus Shale

Go Doug Shields!  Fight for what's right, not just politically expedient.  I am so sick of capitulation I could vomit.  The Marcellus Shale warlords want to be taxed at 1.5%!!!!!!

The story of screwing the average Pennsylvanian resident never ends and this time it rolls down from Ed Rendell through the sorry excuse for a PA Senate and down to our local environmental stewards slavish City Councilors.


The Democrats deserve a complete ass whipping in November.  There's no getting around it.  They are the party of nothing.

View Article  Women's Walk for Peace 2010



Saturday October 16, 2010 10a-4p
Limbaugh Center 821 Tripoli Avenue to Manchester Playground

THE 3rd ANNUAL WOMEN?S WALK FOR A PEACEFUL COMMUNITY will consist of a 2-mile walk which will start at the Limbaugh Center 816 Tripoli Street on the Northside and wind its way down North Avenue on to Brighton Road and proceed to Pennsylvania Avenue all the way to Manchester Playground.

THE WOMEN?S WALK FOR A PEACEFUL COMMUNITY will conclude at Manchester Playground where National & Local speakers will address the Peace Council discussions. National Syndicated Radio Host BEV SMITH will be the Keynote Speaker. Plus an Appreciation Concert with Grammy Award Winner CHRISETTE MICHELE - Live In Concert.

Maybe the women have some answers.  Cause the Northside could use some.  Answers and women.

View Article  Obama Administration Spin on November Elections

Early Returns has the story.

Delusional. I am one of those crazy liberals who wants to elect liberals, not people who pretend to be liberals and play the guilt card to get my vote.

So I'm just not that invested.  See what Pam has to say about this ..... her tiny violin for the DNC is pretty amusing.

The special interest political ads in the Sestak/Toomey race are boooooorrrring. Economy, not bailouts.

On an interesting side note, I just dicovered Jim Wallis from Sojourners.  Evangelical. All about social justice. Not necessarily a fan of same sex marriage, but then again I'm willing to go on the record that tackling poverty is a wee bit more important than my federal tax benefits.  Just saying.

After all, no candidates are talking about federal tax benefits, right? 

View Article  Requisite Lady Gaga came to Pgh post

View Article  PG + ain't getting my money

I would be happy to support the PG.  I think the features of PG+ are worth the money and I want them to succeed.

But it has been MONTHS and the fine folks in the IT department cannot fix the search engine on the regular site.  If your regular site is not functioning, I'm a little disenchanted you are focusing on the premium site.  I want to search for content, not concert tickets and freebies. 

So I'll save my money. I advise you to do the same. The PG is supposed to be a newspaper and the online version isn't delivering promised access to archived stories.  That's a serious problem.  I think their priorities are mixed up and I simply don't feel like spending my money on a product that is lesser quality than the Trib which has a pretty good search feature. 

View Article  "Lifestyle" changes -- hard!

I've been working out consistently for four months, but really overdid it this past month ... 12 days in a row.  Today I took a much needed break and my legs are not happy with me. 

It is a lot of friggin work to change your lifestyle. I have to measure food.  I have to write things down (or type them). I have to plan, plan, plan.  I have to juggle multiple nutrition issues. I have to squeeze my Wii time in somewhere between dawn and dusk, plus .... have an actual life to style. 

I mean, it is worth it. I'm stronger, healthier and happier.  But it is not easy and it is the first thing I think of when people describe being queer as a lifestyle. I make choices about my food, but I don't delve deeply inward to explore those choices. They are healthy, end of story.  My identity, on the other hand, is an entirely different story.  Yes, I am delving and constantly evolving. I don't have certainty because I'm only 39 and life is a constant state of flux. Thinking about calories and cards is nothing at all like thinking about facets of my identity.

I had a comforting (healthy) dinner the other night with a friend who says she waivers back and forth in terms of how to identify herself.  I can completely relate to that.  There is so much pressure to pick a label and "lesbian blogger" is just not enough any longer.  I'm a person. I have a blog.  And I'm a lesbian.  I also avoid candy bars.

It is all good. 

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